Alexstrasza and Ysera Blessed Teldrassil

Never underestimate the Horde’s Sargeras-class Intercontinental Ballistic Catapults.


Yeah. I saw that post earlier today. Sometimes you just have to let those kinds of posts go, and hope they outgrow the cringe sometime after puberty.


I tend to think many of those like that are just being ironic or something and arent serious.

It was just the last bit of Xavius left over:

    Bough of Corruption: As Malfurion tore the remains of Xavius from Teldrassil, a great weight was lifted from the dying world tree. One last remnant of Xavius remains to torment the night elf people, but Elune's champion approaches to finally free the tree completely.

    Elune be praised!

    Everything I had encountered suggested this corruption to be buried deep within Teldrassil itself… I had worried we might never be able to strike at the source without killing the world tree. I am thankful I was wrong!

    Malfurion was the start to this great turn of fortune. Perhaps I will seek him out before I depart to the wilds again.

    Thank you, <name>. Thank you for everything you have done. You are sure to be a great hero someday!

Stormrage comes first, as referenced by the quest that comes before above quest:

    Shade of the Kaldorei says: In weeks past, all of those living atop Teldrassil have found their memories blurry, as if time itself seized a portion of their lives.
    Shade of the Kaldorei says: We break from this haze to find that Fandral Staghelm and many of his closest followers have disappeared without a word.
    Shade of the Kaldorei says: But in his place, Shan'do Stormrage awoke from the dream and returned to his beloved Tyrande Whisperwind.
    Shade of the Kaldorei says: And with his return came Alexstrasza and Ysera, to at long last offer their blessings upon Teldrassil.
    Shade of the Kaldorei says: Though a small corruption lingers, desperately longing to be cleansed, the boughs of Teldrassil itself seem changed. Growth has begun anew.
    Shade of the Kaldorei says: None know what to expect next, but with Malfurion and Tyrande reunited, a new hope dawns on the Kaldorei.
    Shade of the Kaldorei says: Hope for lasting relief from the shadow that has been cast on our people for so long.

Oh yeah, that guy. I guess I should refresh my memory on his stuff. After running Teldrassil for the hundredth time, I just grab my phials and bounce.

While that makes more sense timeline-wise, it makes less sense motivation-wise. Why would they bless a still-corrupted tree?

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Because after stormrage the nightmare was “cleansed” then cata said no it isn’t

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Someone hasn’t read Stormrage yet. I doubt you will.

The motive behind Teldrassil’s creation has literally zero bearing on the fact that it was a bona fide world tree and that Malfurion, the Aspects of Life and Nature, and Cenarius himself, all thought it was a beacon of life worth protecting and although its creation was under dubious pretenses, it was ultimately the last bastion against the Nightmare’s corruption.


That’s weird because I just did that quest the other day and that didn’t happen. I was wondering if the was going to be some interaction with Alexstraza and her niece, because you know Blizz is with portrayals of family, but nope nothing.

Could be a bug. The trigger for Velen’s declaration of war in the Exodar scenario is still bugged as far as I know.

Well my Human Male Paladin Friend. It doesn’t really matter anymore does it?

If it was corrupted, it got purged by fire :wink:

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Yes, we understand that. But again, that’s not what it was about. A post about something that’s gone is still a valid post, as much as you wanna fart out your obsession.

Also frankly, anything a Blood Elf poster named Sylvanas is automatically worse than a Male Human Paladin.


is that so?

suffer well then :wink:

Communicate without emojis, you mouth-breather.

“How do the neutral factions feel about Teldrassil?”



Hahahha, man you are entertaining.

I wonder how you will feel once Stormwind is sacked and all your leaders and horde softies killed?

Victory for Sylvanas baby. :kissing_heart:

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Imagine the Scarlet crusade joining the horde giving horde access to humans. oh man, the forums would get flooded just like how Thousand needles got flooded.

You know, they can have lightforged unded in return, since they like Calia so much :smiley:

It’s just smooth like an egg inside your head, isn’t it?

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Horde lore posters before knowing facts: It’s evil we did you a favour stop acting like children.

Horde lore posters after knowing facts: Hmm now where did I put that Alliance meme cookbooks?


Whatever you say buddy, Just keep me entertained.

But yes, I think so, the skull is smooth from the inside and the outside. is yours different?

People who say “haha keep me entertained” say that because they have nothing good to retort, so they have to pretend like the opposition is entertaining.


Edit: Pulling your :blue_heart: after I say you have a smooth brain illustrates my point.