Alexstrasza and Ysera Blessed Teldrassil

apparently the Catapulty Bois. Anyone that bet them in that prize fight came away with a hefty purse.

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I wonder if they wil admit by their logic of once tainted always tainted that all forsaken are scourge and all orcs are demon slaves


Actually was made for Vivette:


Even if the Night Elves don’t get anything out of Teldrassil, I hope we can somehow extract the “spark” of their blessing from it, and re-elevate at least Alex and Merithra as Aspects.


Beautifully written.

Sylvanas blessed the tree too. WITH FIRE.

I’d do it 50,000 more times if she asked me to.



I’m no longer proud this thread was made in my honor.


Is it possible the blessing was lost or weakened with the aspects losing their powers at the end of Cata, and with the death of Ysera?

Just a speculative question.


Please tell me my little, frustrated, angsty broken record, why Horde players would care if a couple of dragons did a disco ball montage over that stupid tree?

Because that’s all it obviously was: a vapid light show.

Why are they supposed to, and why does it matter so much to you that they do?

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Get on your Horde character and I might tell you.

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As a side note I am VERY glad to see Merithra get some shine, even if it was only a little bit in a Magni Questline. Talk about one of the single most neglected characters in WoW


Honestly not sure. The Dragon Aspect powers seem to be coalescing back together in the Heart of Azeroth questline, though.

I play both factions equally; so I’m coming at this from the direction of you having no idea what you’re talking about.

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Doesn’t seem like it sister.

I am conflicted. I liked Merithra and I found Alex’s little pep talk for her niece really cute but Blizz teased us with Ysera’s spirit in the Emerald Dream and I want her back :weary:


Fight me.

To the OP: Thank you for the thread to clarify. I haven’t read Stormrage nor have any desire to really. I may perhaps found out in Chronicle but I must’ve skimmed. Anywho, the reason why I was repeatedly ignorant on the issue is because of how Cataclysm tells its story regarding Teldrassil.

When I/one rolls a night elf toon atm you are introduced to Teldrassil still fighting its corruption off, that’s literally 1-10 questing. Thus giving the impression that the tree hasn’t been cleansed. With the info provided perhaps the statement should be reframed in that the tree is still vulnerable to corruption despite said Dragon Aspect blessings.


Probably when they lost their powers, the blessing probably became weak or gone from the tree. Basically They don’t have the same magical level than before and likely most of their blessing is worthless now.

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When does this occur?

It happens after you help Alexstrasza out in Twilight Highlands as part of the Heart of Azeroth quest line (I believe it’s at heart level 60?).

You can look it up on youtube but it’s basically Merithra voicing doubts if she can be as strong as Ysera and Alex reassures her that she will rise to the occasion just like the other Aspects did. She also comments that Ysera isn’t truly gone. Its a really cute moment.


It hasn’t been, during Teldrassil questing. The final quest in the zone, before they ship you off to Darkshore (or wherever you want to quest next) is Tarindrella giving you the combined phial of moonwell water you’ve been fetching across the zone. They give you a couple Elunian abilities that let you one-shot your way through a gauntlet of satyr and corrupted Furbolgs, until you reach the original branch of corruption Fandral grafted to the tree (now a giant, corrupted ancient). After you destroy it with your fancy moonwell powers, the tree is free of corruption.

I’ve always interpreted Stormrage as Ysera and Alex coming slightly after, and going “Look at all the hard work y’all did to cleanse the Tree. We’ll bless it, so it can be protected.” Even if the timeline gets a bit wonky, with Malfurion present in Darnassus before you finish questing. But Cata gonna Cata.

People seem divided on whether that was her genuine spirit, or just an echo. So, I went with Merithra, since she seems to be leading the flight (and not Itharius, which surprised me).


ow the edge

oof the cringe

Also this isn’t about that. This is about whether it was corrupted or not.