Alexstrasza and Ysera Blessed Teldrassil

I don’t want to give your post one like because you aren’t called: sneakypete

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You saying Petethedk is my alt?

A terribly good troll. I rate you 9/10. 1 off for having to roll as Sylvanas but the dedication and ability to agitate is unparalleled.


The Scarlet Crusade? The fanatic organization that can’t distinguish between who their enimes are and will kill the living as quick as they would the undead. That Scarlet Crusade? Let me know how that goes for you.

A lot of people don’t seem to know that it was cleansed and blessed. Some people like to come up with a justification that what the Horde did was actually a good thing because it was Old God corrupted. You see that a lot on GD, and also on this forum at times as well. As if that makes it okay or something.

The reality is that it doesn’t have to be okay. Sylvanas’s justifications were good enough to start a war on. Maybe not so close to the end of Legion, but still good. You really don’t need any other reason to go to war than “we want what you have”. The problem is that Blizzard really never allows Alliance to do this to Horde and succeed. It’s not that it’s happening that is the big deal. It’s the way Blizzard chooses to write it that is the problem.

You see love, I don’t do insults. And I love when others don’t insult.

The <3 was pulled when you added the insult.

And for the comeback regarding the smooth brain, read my post entirely. It’s in there, I assure you.

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Post without personal insults.


Quiet mouth breather, you’re Dollar Store Cursewords.

Its interesting how you go out of your way to create a toxic environment.


Interesting how people like you can dish it but not take it. Cute try tho.

If you’re going to come into a thread looking to antagonize, you lose the right to play the victim.

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I’m not the one calling people names, so I’m not sure why you are saying I dish anything. You’re the one who relies on insults which are specifically used to antagonize people. So if me pointing that out antagonizes you maybe you should stop calling people names.


I’m not talking about you, Discount Cursewords. Don’t white knight if you don’t get what’s happening.

You specifically replied to me. Regardless, you shouldnt personally insult any one

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That’s enough out of you.

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Oooof, that fella actually went berserk. lol

don’t argue with him, he will take you down to his level, and beat you with experience.

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If that’s berserk to you, just uh… good luck out there you three.

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Okay so; what does having something by one of these flying goannas ‘blessed’ actually do? This is the part in confused by. It clearly doesn’t make a thing fire retardant.

edit: which might I point out is awfully ironic because dragon reasons.

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It’s to counter the arguments that Teldrassil was corrupted (and that’s why Sylvanas burnt it, even though she had no way of knowing) because it wasn’t even blessed by the Aspects.


The original Blessings on Nordrassil were more for the Night Elves than the World Tree.

Alexstrasza’s: Increased strength and vitality, as well as immunity to disease.
Ysera’s: Connection to nature, and allowed druids to effortlessly enter the Emerald Dream
Nozdormu’s: Immortality.

They strengthened Nordrassil as well, but they were mostly meant to empower its defenders, the Night Elves. With Teldrassil’s Blessings it’s less clear. Stormrage describes the World Tree blooming even more than it had before, with a radiance of nature magic flowing throughout it. Presumably, it was strengthened against supernatural ailments like the one Xavius inflicted upon it originally. When the novel first came out people assumed that the Blessings would extend onto the Night Elves like Nordrassil’s had, but I can’t remember anything confirming that.

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