ALERT! Census data now useless!

Do you have a source for this other than conjecture?

Early on it reflects the amount of players. Later, After a week you need to start removing level 1 characters to compensate for the active bank alts. After 2-3 weeks you have to start removing everyone level 10 and under.

Unless you’re just using it to figure out the number of people online at any given moment and the faction balance. Then you just need someone on the other side running the addon. It’s also good for getting an estimate of the class balance… especially if willing to parse the data and drop the bottom 10 or 20 levels.

From the data I and others have collected on Herod, the alliance to horde ratio is about 40/60, and the maximum number of players online at one time is 12k-15k.

There are a couple of websites aggregating the data, and they seem to mostly agree. Moreover, they agree with what I’ve found on the horde side.

The data is good. You just need to know the limitations of what’s being collected.


Classic’s purpose was a tourniquet to stave off the hemorrhaging subs. Blizzard clearly refused to believe it would be more popular than BFA.


Did they also break shift clicking names in chat? That doesn’t seem to return /who anymore.

No. I shift clicked 5 to 10 times on player’s name last night and it worked every time.

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/who NEVER detected layers. Stop spewing this nonsense.

Source: Layer switching is the problem, not layering itself - #20 by Pazorax-1880

WoW Developer
Another popular theory is that you can determine your current layer by doing a /who in a capital city, and comparing the results against the /who your friend does. That doesn’t work because /who returns results from the entire realm, not just from your layer, and if the result set is too large it truncates the results before sorting them. This means every player gets different results, but those differences in result set have nothing to do with which layer you’re on.

The /who addon API was deliberately broken to stop gold sellers from automating chat channel invites to advertise their websites. It’s a sh*tty fix because it breaks some good addons like CensusPlus, but at the moment it’s for the best.


No, they’re trying to save Retail.

It’s too late for that

sounds like it was disabled for script use not player use, for players it should work just fine, just addons can’t use it anymore

If anything hiding player numbers helps increase player retention for classic because it’ll prevent people from feeling like their realms are dying.

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You literally have no idea what you’re talking about, do you?

Breaking the census addon won’t help them do anything. All it does is tally the number of players online in an orderly fashion. It has nothing to do with queue times. The data it gathers is as accurate as possible.

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It was incredibly accurate. It gathers the data that is there, it doesn’t fabricate it or construe it at all. You have no idea how the addon worked obviously and have never used it.

It’s literally the same as counting heads, but it’s incapable of making mistakes and counting the same head twice or missing one. It reflects active populations like a mirror.


Without good information, only a fool would transfer off a full server.

You sound insane and youre going to get the dummies to agree with you which is just sad.

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Don’t really need the addon to see the imbalance on Stalagg. Of course the data may have influenced the decision for people to leave, but seeing 16 horde and 1 Alliance player in Everlook (me) convinced me to pick up my bags and leave.

Why is nobody discussing the very likely possibility that breaking /who was intended to stop the rampant gold selling via chat channel invites? They were clearly done with a custom addon that scoured /who results. Ever since /who was broken, I haven’t seen ANYBODY complaining about receiving gold seller chat invites.

Put away the tinfoil hats. The government isn’t stealing your thoughts.


Yeah I wish they’d give us the info we want. I know thalnos is horde dominated but it’s not gonna make me leave the server. I just want to know accurate population ratios.

Yeah I have literally never head anyone complain about gold spammers. I’ve never received a single message the entire time I’ve been playing classic. I’ve never been invited to some random chat channel.

It has nothing to do with gold spammers.

They simply wanted to break the census addons that people have been using for over a decade now. Suddenly now, why?

Why did they have to break these addons? It seems so insignificant, but it’s honestly infuriating.

I don’t think they want it to fail, but they do want it to push players into retail as quick as possible. They’d cause a universal meltdown if they added a store to classic, so push people to the real money maker, the store in retail.

The leaked announcement that classic 60’s would get a free BfA with a 110 level boost points to this. I’ll bet that happens right about when people are done clearing MC and content patch hits retail.

Well, sucks for you! Too bad! HAhahaha! /Blizzard

You used to be able to do that, but now Blizz has decided they don’t like us being able to know the faction balances or population sizes of servers, or to know the most popular class/race or the average player levels. Wish I knew why bud, this is seriously stupid.

This change has nothing to do with spammers.

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