Aion will kill wow

Aion was an even bigger grind than this game

CoH only got sunsetted because NCSoft is run by morons. They killed a game that was still making them a profit for Aion which flopped hard and never recovered.

And CoH only lost a lot of subs because of the Lead Idiot Statesman who made idiotic nerfs to the game before he ended up leaving said company.

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They are making Aion 2?

I have zero desire to play Aion or its sequel, and I have no ill will towards those who prefer them.

All I hope, from the bottom of my heart, is that people who leave WoW for Aion 2 make “Goodbye-on for Aion” a thing.

Give WoW players a month , they will be running back to WoW with their head between their tail .

I take no joy in people being disappointed by another MMO. Unless that MMO is FF11. Trash game.

The only WoW killer will be WoW, it is and will remain number 1 for very specific reasons that no other game will even attempt to emulate. Think FF14.

Aion 2 looks like an FF14 remake, human models, skimpy outfits, fan service, and the giant titan like enemies who can squish you with one hand. Which is pretty much like all other MMO’s that are out there, all trying to get in on the same market of the same people.

For a while there we even stopped talking about the next WoW killer because there is none. WoW has its own uniqueness that just cannot be beaten, emulated maybe, but never beaten.

Wait, there is going to be an Aion 2? I loved Aion, until they f’ed up the faction balance and destroyed the game. You just can’t have a game based around a two sided faction war when one faction makes up 70% of the player base. Last time I played it, we had GMs coming out to help us try and take forts from the enemy faction,
that is how bad it had gotten.

I would love an Aion 2 but with a much stricter faction control out of the gate.

I remember waking up at 4am on a school day just so that I could play a little. I loved that game so much. I need to go check out whats Homecoming about.

I know. Really sucked. I had been there since day one.

Hytale will be Popular as soon as the Game comes out. Aion 2 will probably be left in the Dust like with most other MMOS.

But the other 2 Main Games like WoW and Minecraft will survive like they have for many years.

didnt the first one go out with no fizzle? Almost every MMO that has come out after wow excluding guild wars runescape and eve online have died.

Everquest 2 came out like 3 weeks before WOW.

So? Are you suggesting that we should necro threads instead?

No, everyone that wants to talk about something need to create their own thread.

#necroisbad #stopnecroing

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Amen to this. Part of the major issue with games today is they either try to be “WoW, but with a twist!” or go in a completely opposite direction which is even more of a gamble because it’s usually super niche (those survival MMOs spring to mind or something like New World which looks like a hybrid)

What devs need to do is look at what made WoW so successful (making a game inspired by Everquest but with more detail that was easier and more accessible to casual players) and apply the same thing to WoW.

WoW’s success was an exception and that should never be the goal since it’s doubtful it will be achieved again. Problem is too many devs are biased about some point (usually related to difficulty and the “lack” thereof) or think WoW’s greater accessibility is the issue not the reason for success and so miss the point from the start.

A “WoW Killer” will do the same thing to WoW that WoW did to Everquest, not imitate the game style and throw in some gimmick to appease whatever minority they feel is the “true” gamers.

Yea, you may be right

six and a half years later

And kids, to this day Tigerfist still sleeps. Wow did shut down on February 31st 2026, but not due to Aion 2 and thus nobody has woken him.

Legends say if you whisper “Lok’tar” in his ear he will respond with “ogar” under his breath.

Now onto the next relic of the past…


random child: Mommy I want to poke the orc! Can I? Can I?

Other random child: Ew no orcs are stinky! let’s go see the moocows!

Yet another random child: Mommy I want a worgen! And a vulpera!

Father of above child: A vulpera? That boy ain’t right.


Activision is y wow will die alone blizzard made a mistake selling out 2 them about 5 years they will self destruct like everything Activision touchs
Also soon has always been trash tbh

But ya the only worst choice blizzard could make is teaming up with EA

I’m suggesting we don’t keep posting ‘X will kill WoW’ threads endlessly, because not a single one of them, over 15 years, has ended up coming true. Next time, just look at one of the millions of ‘Conan will kill WoW’ or ‘Rift will kill WoW’ threads from the last decade and a half, and realize that they’re all wrong, and keep it to yourself instead of polluting the board further.