Aion will kill wow

Rift will definitely kill WoW.

I tried out Aion and didnā€™t even get to the point of unlocking the wings because of how generic it was.

Typical ā€œcool graphics, flashy spells, sexy characters, no facial animations, cheap story, and no contentā€ expected from an asian company MMO.

Not to mention that the boxart feature - flying - was only allowed in certain areas and for certain amounts of time. The whole marketing draw of the game is that you are basically an angel with GIANT FREAKING WINGS but they only work like 20% of the time for maybe 3 minutes before you get tired.

To be fair, Rift was really cool for awhile and had a neat concept behind it. It just never really found itself. And it could have been more immersive, the zones were kind of all ā€œOh, thatā€™s neat.ā€ and then moving on. The races were also really generic. You had big humans, normal humans, and then a couple different shades of elf.


What is that? Iā€™ve never even heard of the first game.

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Do you have something in your eye? Hereā€™s a tissue.
Got some getting misty eyed at the thought of being able to resurrect my old characters in some capacity.


I almost miss these prophecy threads. It feels like a long time since weā€™ve had one.

Wow is gonna be what kills wow. They keep destroying there own game with all these bad changes and the games on life support. Classic is only thing saving wow currently.



What I highlighted in bold is exactly why I left it. If I HAVE to pvp for something, and I havenā€™t invested a whole lot of time in it, no thanks count me out! I agree with you too, if Aion 2 has that req, it wonā€™t go as far as they think it will.


Just when I started to play that game. It all was lost. :pleading_face:

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There was a time when these types of post were the norm.

Yep it still exists. Itā€™s all nicheā€™ with the players being able to fly around after they hit a certain level and ā€œearnā€ their wings etc. That was one of the things that drew me to the game was how players got wings and what not.

Itā€™s an MMO that was created in I think Korea(??) but itā€™s a lot like WoW, and I think you get to level 10 or 15, might have been 20 idr last time I played it was back right before Wrath went live lol - but then after you get your wings you also have to go into PvP and quest and what not - which is what made me quit - Iā€™m a ā€œcasual PvPā€™rā€ and if I am forced to do it, it wonā€™t happen. (Granted back during MoP I pvpā€™d a LOT and esp for the Legendary Cloak but that was different - it wasnā€™t an all the time you gotta do it thing like in Aion.)

I know Iā€™m forgetting some details about it, if interested, look it up and check it out - itā€™s also F2P now too so thereā€™s that. lolol

Donā€™t know or care to know if Asmon is aware of or plays the game, Bearfour, apologies.


Iā€™d never touch another mmo at this point.

updated post 1

Wouldnā€™t blame you getting curbstomped at level 30 something trying to increase flight speed via level capped opposite faction players. Ended up rage quitting then and there.

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I doubt it.
The only thing that will kill wow is the Wow dev team

Eso isnt dead lol

Eso is as dead as FFXIV

What in jesus



Wake me up when Aion 2 killed WoW . zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Iā€™d prefer wow 2 ā€¦ reboot ā€¦ new engine ā€¦ better servers

RIP Wildstar

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Except City Of Heroes isnā€™t dead anymore.