Aimed shot bug seems to be back

Posted this on bug report first, but FYI. I saw this on reddit and tested myself, as the last matches I played were SV. Swap SV, swap back marks, aimed shot does about 50% of the damage that it did before you swapped. Apparently deleting and restoring character also doesn’t fix it this time around. Consider not playing any offspec SV if you primarily play mm until this gets fixed.


Its surv is the Chad spec!

I’m still seeing it on the pvp dummy but it did not seem to be bugged in arena for me last night. Others are experiencing it though:

It would be cool if they could at least just check and see if they accidentally backed the code branch out for that bugfix when they deployed this last patch to production. It’s impactful enough that it makes me feel like I can’t play SV.

thank god i am way 2 garbo tro even consider trying surv

Zero shot if it’s happening on the dummy that it can’t happen in actual pvp. Just sucks because there’s no way to know if bug reports like this are even being heard by them. Would be nice if there was like a little flag they could add to posts in the bug report forum just to notify everyone the issue is being worked on.

The fact that the feedback is happening independently of the situation with the bug being known by that poster is telling to me. Comments have a lot of anecdotals too. Worth at least looking into because it’s legit going to cause people to not play sv.

I endlessly reported it daily, made bug reports, provided screenshots.

You can carry that mantle now my friend. Best of wishes

I was doing like 50% of what my aimshot damage should be. I think swapping spec triggered it somehow. Still not sure on what causes it.

I was still bugged last time i tried my hunter and it made me stop playing it entirely. worked fine for a day then went back to bugging

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Lets keep that bug in the game. When a hunter can backpeddle and press 1 button that hits normally for 150k yea you deserve that bug and nerfs included with the 2 4 1 mm pvp package

Wait is this real? How long does it linger? If I log off and on is it still 50%?

Edit: got home and tested it. My aimed shot is doing 60k when the tooltip says 130k

so boomie?

Not sure what the baseline values are but I was hitting some 70k’s on plate in careful aim range and I have 28% mastery. seems low

Just tested it on PvP dummies. 60k with 90k crits. Way below the tooltip and way too low for a 2.2 second cast.

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my heart goes out to you bro, i think the lowest i’m getting on the pvp dummy is around 90k. could still be bugged for me, whats your mastery in pvp?

I can check when I’m back on. I’m mastery prio. I was messing with surv the other day so this makes sense. Literally lost like 150 rating since then. Insane that this type of stuff still happens.

I jut hit a 33k normal and 55k crit aimed shot on my full blue hunter with lone wolf.

Then I tried with procs, cd’s and chakram and crit 120k.

Seems kind of… strange.

21% mastery.

Ok so my first aimed shot hits 33k and my 2nd hits 59k like every time.

Is there some interaction that makes your 2nd aimed shot hit higher or maybe the first aimed shot itself is bugged.

edit: Ok I figured mine out atleast, my toon isn’t bugged. It’s just the first hit on the PvP dummy doesn’t take my pvp ilvl into account until after it lands so its like half damage and seems wacky.

  • some careful aim memes because the PvP dummy hp drops so fast

It still hits for 50-60k for me after plenty of aimed shots. My warrior’s MS hits for like 70k with similar ilevel. Frustrating.

Blizzard is just balancing the game from the time mm did like 200% dmg in shadowlands

ya’ll just silly

Holy cow you’re right, I’m doing 40-60k instead of at least 90k. Well that sucks, guess it’s survival until this gets fixed

You would think it would be in tomorrow’s patch notes, but no. Radio silence. Looks like my hunter is just unplayable for the foreseeable future.