AI and chaos brand nerf?

Seems a little odd when mystic touch and battle shout aren’t getting touched. I honestly don’t care and don’t think it’s gonna make much of a difference but it seems weird they wanted to target both.

Arcane Intellect 3% instead of 5
Chaos Brand 3% instead of 5

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How many specs do purely physical damage vs how many specs do purely magic damage?


You’ll have to explain to me how the answer to your question matters. Nerfing damage done (which is what this equates to) for most classes and not a few is odd and a poor solution to their problem. They should have nerfed just Chaos Brand.

Ex. No DH in M+ group but there is a mage. AI is weaker on mage and healer. So indirect nerf (even though small) to Mage and Healer has nothing to do with Blizzard’s stated goal of reducing the strength of DH and AI combo in group content.

Really confused at how you think more or less melee justifies this?


A 5% magic damage debuff is much stronger for casters than a 5% physical damage debuff is for melee.

That’s why. That was my point. Most melee aren’t doing pure physical damage while all casters are doing pure magic damage.


Mystic Touch is 5% physical damage.

Where did they state they’re trying to reduce DH strength?

Chaos brand affects every single damage ability that isn’t purely physical. Which is almost every ability in the game, this is why it was adjusted.

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There is nothing weird about mystic touch and battle shout not getting touched. The goal was to do a specific nerf to both AI and chaos brand not to nerf all buffs because those were stronger and affected the M+ meta (and smaller group content) a bit too strongly.


How do you even know about this change without also knowing the reason stated right alongside it everywhere it was posted.

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5% magic damage does not equate to 5% physical damage. So few abilities are physical damage when compared to magic damage. Auto attacks from melee and any ability (the few that exist these days) that says “physical damage” in the tooltip would be buffed by mystic touch.

Regardless of the nerf, it won’t stop vdh, mage, nor aug.

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it seems odd to you when the m+ meta has been heavy spell casters locking in a DH tank as best for how many seasons in a row?

Battle shout? lol

Zoumz just quoted the developer notes. Where in that paragraph does it explicitly say “DH” ?

Stormstrike not doing stormstrike damage.

It’s a fantastic change. There’s been way too much favoritism for casters going back for however long now. They can eat this one and be happier it wasn’t worse.

I mean ultimately this change wont actually change anything. It’s a cute start I suppose, but its not going to move the meta needle at all.

A lot of melee do a good amount of their damage as magical but hardly no casters have a significant portion of their damage as physical. Chaos Brand was significantly better.

I would have made made Warrior Buff +5% Agi and Str instead of Attack Power to address the imbalance with Arcane Intellect but I guess they really don’t want tanks to get additional defensiveness.

Not even a little bit, not with how melee unfriendly some bits of the dungeons remain.

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Hmm, did you not read that I agreed with nerfing Chaos Brand? I’m saying AI nerf was unwarranted.

Eh, I’m fine with it. But I wish they’d realise that one of the things that makes melee harder, at least for me, is the way they choose to do encounter mechanics. One of the things I genuinely like about FFXIV encounters over WoW encounters was the way attacks were clearly telegraphed, and “stuff on the floor” mechanics were very visible and allowed players time to move. Since coming back to WoW, I realised how hard some mechanics are to see (there are some times when the colour of the floor in a raid and the colour of the mechanics are way too close), and how much of the mechanics are just random patches of bad that make melee harder to play if it drops on them. The space around bosses also always feels extremely crowded and honestly, sometimes I can’t see a darn thing when I play melee in a large group. It’s so odd that nothing is done to address these issues when they’re also trying so hard to make the game have more accessibility options in other ways.

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I’m just hoping BM will be bad enough people won’t play it because removing the 6 screaming T-Rexes from melee would do wonders for visibility.


Based on season 4 of DF and the ever growing popularity of TGP/MDI. We almost have to believe these nerfs are focused on shaking up the team comps for mythic pushing. And I’m with you, as a new Venge DH (and new to tanking in general), I wasn’t going to get invited to push high keys anyway, so these nerfs won’t affect me much.

But, from what I can tell and what little I know of the changing meta, I can’t help but believe this set of nerfs is solely focused on shaking up M+ pushing comps. Maybe it’s a clue about high resistance stats on mobs/bosses in TWW? There’s lots to speculate, but I hold that it’s aimed at MDI/TGP teams. Keep group comps spicy so viewers come back to see the new meta and how it looks in high keys?

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