[A/H/N] <Half Moon Gambit> Recruiting RPers - Cross Faction/Cross Server

IC Info:

Are you looking for adventure? Fame? Riches? Do you like mysteries? The Half Moon Gambit is now hiring bold and intrepid explorers, craftsmen, merchants and others to uhh…explore and investigate! No experience required, we’re desperate! I mean uhhh…we’re willing to train. You don’t even have to get on the ship!

Join our crew today and see the world! Or stay home and help in your own way!

*Travel not guaranteed.
**Riches not guaranteed.
***The Half Moon Gambit is not liable for any injuries or loss suffered while on the job. You may have to sign a simple waiver…

OOC Info:

The Half Moon Gambit is recruiting for a small company of adventurers based in Stormwind, but who will venture out into the world for the purpose of exploration, investigation, relic recovery, bounty hunting, crime solving and mercenarying (that’s a real word - honest). We plan to hold both non-roll and /roll RP events across Azeroth, and also attend the RP events of other guilds and groups. We are a neutral guild and Horde characters are welcome.

The Gambit is a medium RP guild and events will generally fall on Tuesdays - Thursdays in the evenings and last for about 2 hours. You will also find us occasionally doing some walk-up RP in Stormwind in between those times. Most events are plot based and we would like everyone in-guild to have the opportunity to play a part. Any class/race/level is welcome, but we will be eventually venturing to max-level areas and may require higher level characters for this.

We’re looking for RPers without a home, but not necessarily players who are online 24/7. We’re adults and realize that everyone has responsibilities and other interests. That being said, we’d also like players who want to participate in online RP events 1-2x a week, develop interesting and complex characters and work together to build a fun and exciting story. If that sounds like you, then reply to this post, whisper Larisi online or send in-game mail or a guild invite request and we’ll get you signed up! Alts and new characters welcome!


18+ and mature
Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated
LGBTQIA+ friendly - no discussion of RL politics or religion

Please note: We will not be raiding or planning any organized PVE or PVP content. We may occasionally do content and transmog runs as a group.


We’re starting in-game recruiting this weekend. Look for Larisi or go to the Guild Finder and look for Half Moon Gambit to put in a request!


Currently, our guild RP has moved to Moonbrook as we search for a missing guildie. We’re also eyeing Ironforge for some Dwarven tavern RP.

Find us online evenings and weekends. New and returning RPers are always welcome.


Half Moon Gambit is back in Stormwind. After the surrender of one of our guildies, we’ll be ICly doing…community service…

(well, he will be, and we’ll probably be laughing, let’s be real)

Reach out to any online guild member for a ginvite or for RP. We’re always around in the evenings and weekends and we love to meet new people!

Half Moon Gambit had a blast at the Alliance recruitment faire! We’re always looking for new RPers to hang out with us in Stormwind or Duskwood!


You all seem like a blast, and like some people I want to plan things with at some point.

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We’re around in the evenings and weekends and are always up for RP plans!

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We RP walked across Stormwind last night after we managed to get Rodoth sprung from jail. And the group found out Big Bill’s family is running a mercantile company out of Boralus.

Once we find Rodoth’s missing hat, we might be off to try to find a mysterious puzzle box that Ro heard about in a conversation in the Stockades while he was locked up. Or we might try to track down some Forsaken because Larisi really wants to know if they eat their friends and relatives as she’s been told lately.

Meanwhile, find us either in Stormwind or Duskwood. We RP several nights a week.


RODOTH IS FREE YIPPEE! I was worried about him.

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If you’d have seen him tonight, you’d be worried about him all over again!

The guild made a few new allies tonight. Once everyone sobers up from the tavern outing, we’ll be looking for the cursed puzzle box. And we might have a priest lined up to help!

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Half Moon Gambit is cross faction and recruiting Horde alts now. Any class/race/level.

I really like the idea of this guild, although I’m curious if you guys run a roll system or whathaveyou? I know I sadly can’t do much walkup stuff on account of…well…

stares at being Horde

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I actually do have a roll system but we haven’t had a chance to use it yet. So far, just about everything has been free form.

100% recommend checking this guild out. I’ve left behind Lordaeronian nationalism and I’ve been RPing a small-time brawler with these guys lol. A great guild and a great group of people. Good fun!

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We made it onto the ship!

After a last minute walk through SW in a scramble for supplies and then some minor fighting with the port authority, the crew finally got their act together and set sail from Stormwind this evening. We stowed our gear and weighed anchor around sunset. Rodoth managed not to fall overboard or get mauled by a seagull.

We’re on the way to Boralus, then onto the Dragon Isles.

In Boralus on our way to the Dragon Isles, and we keep having unplanned adventures. First Rodoth and Larisi got into a squabble, causing Rodoth to make some odd choices, but Bela, Marton and Shadow managed to get to him before he lost a hand. Somehow, he’s invisible, but we won’t talk about that.

Then Orno, Shadow, Grizz, Bela and Larisi accidentally a portal. There was lots of fighting going on and it felt very timey-wimey. Larisi may have looted a looooooot. But we got our first stipends after things got fenced.

A trip to a tavern had Shadow take some abuse, but we decided to go on shore leave, anyway. And we’re planning an escort for supplies once we head out.


Been busy IRL for the past couple of weeks, but our current update is that we foiled a mercenary attack in Stormsong, then headed back to Boralus where Rodoth managed to get into trouble stealing from pirates (what a surprise). After a nasty shoot out, he’s poisoned, Rolland’s injured and Shadow bought us time to get away with a heroic last(?) stand.

…oh, and our Forsaken crew is wandering around Tirisfal and Orgrimmar, taking care of an invasion of Scarlets and trying to find a good source of uh…we’ll say supplies. Yeah…supplies.

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Man now that my study is wrapping up for the year I need to start finding time to RP again!

Ye! We did a little RP with Convocation of Darkness the other day as well. Forsaken RP is alive! (lol)

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We’re back in action in Gilneas currently, with our resident Worgen RPers Shadow and Rolland showing us around the city.