[A/H/N] <Half Moon Gambit> Recruiting RPers - Cross Faction/Cross Server

Some of us are in Plunderstorm! My guildies beat the crap out of Kirsy yesterday and it was glorious.

Seriously though, we’re still around for events and very casual on-Discord RP.

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We’re currently doing a recruitment push on WrA prior to cross-server guilds (we’ll be doing that, too, once it’s available). Our latest ad:

Guild Name: Half Moon Gambit
Faction: Cross-faction (soon to be cross-server)
Looking for: RPers any level or race

IC Info:

Are you looking for adventure? Fame? Riches? Do you like mysteries? Half Moon Gambit is now hiring bold and intrepid soldiers of fortune, explorers and investigators to uhh…boldly soldier, explore and investigate! No experience required, we’re desperate! I mean uhhh…we’re willing to train.

Join our team today and see the world!

*Travel not guaranteed.
**Riches not guaranteed.
***Half Moon Gambit is not liable for any injuries or loss suffered while on the job. You may have to sign a simple waiver….

OOC Info:

Half Moon Gambit is a small company of privateers based out of Stormwind and Orgrimmar, but who venture out into the world for the purpose of exploration, investigation, relic recovery, bounty hunting, crime solving, guarding and mercenary-ing (that’s a real word - honest). Occasionally, we’re criminals, but more the comedic type than the hard-core type. We hold both non-roll and d20 RP events across Azeroth, and also attend the RP events of other guilds and groups. RP is mostly by schedule, but we do pick up RP occasionally as well.

We’re a medium/heavy RP guild with a side of leveling and all are welcome. RP events are generally held on evenings or weekends and last for a couple of hours. You can also find us occasionally doing some walk-up RP in cities in between those times. Most events are plot based and we would like all our RPers to have the opportunity to play a part. Any class/race/level is welcome, but we will be venturing to max-level areas and may require higher level characters for this.

We’re looking for RPers and other players without a home, but we’re not necessarily looking for players who are online 24/7. We’re adults and realize that we all have responsibilities and other interests. That being said, we’d like players who want to participate in online events, develop interesting and complex characters and work together to build a fun and exciting story.

For PVEers/PVPers and levelers who don’t RP but who are looking for a home, feel free to reach out. We’re most active in the evenings and weekends and you don’t have to participate in RP if you aren’t an RPer. You do have to be respectful to RP, however. RP griefing will not be tolerated. We don’t have any organized teams, don’t run mythics or raids as a guild, but you’re welcome to join if you’re looking for a guild.

If that sounds like you, then reply to this post, whisper Kirsy/Larisi online or send in-game mail and we’ll get you signed up!

For RPers: use of TRP/MRP/XRP - with at least the start of an RP profile
For PVEers: recommended DBM and Details
For PVPers: do your thing
For Everyone: Discord
Please be 18+ and mature. LGBTQIA+ friendly

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Looks like it’s been a while since the mention of roll-based RP, how has that come along? I ask since I’m not the biggest of fans, and would like to know if such a thing is required or used often enough that a player like me might not be such a great fit. Thanks!

To be honest, we haven’t really used as many rolls in RP recently. When we have, it’s been fairly simplified. Most of what we’ve done lately has been character/drama based instead of combat.


A few of our alts are taking up residence in Duskwood to support RP and add to the growing crowd there. We’ll also be out and about in other areas as it suits our storylines.


Our latest adventures have found the guild starting some new characters for Duskwood RP: hedge-witch Callie met up with a pair of dwarves, Morcan and Maislen just outside of Darkshire. All recently arrived, the three have taken up residence in the smithy, as Morcan is a master blacksmith.

From there, they met up with Xanthion - a local priest who was looking for his uncle, Sarge - a troubled dwarven fighter looking for a home, and an overly chatty noctowl, as well as having various encounters with locals looking for advice or service, or offering aid.

In some attempts to work on increasing crop yield for the area, Morcan, Maislen and Callie have imported some dirt from Westfall earlier this week with the intention of testing it to see if some of the shoddy pumpkin crops can be improved. They also inadvertently encountered a sinister squashling that trailed them back to the smithy and proceeded to spit seeds at Morcan - at least it wasn’t flaming pumpkin heads! After Callie’s cleansing ritual, it seems to be behaving better. Despite still being suspicious of it, Morcan has named it Gourdo.

Sarge offered his assistance the next night, stopping by after seeing fellow dwarves manning the smithy. He proceeded to repair several pieces of his armor and imparted to the group that he is looking for somewhere to settle, with the intent to atone for his past. He also brews on occasion.

Last night, Morcan, Maislen, Callie and Gourdo set out to retrieve a mysterious blue gem from a family crypt of one of Morcan’s customers so it can be set in the hilt or pommel of a weapon. Upon arriving, they encountered an unfriendly spirit guarding the grave. Maislen was able to incapacitate it while Callie created a fetish to turn it into a pig. With the pig in tow, the trio took the gem back to the smithy. The customer has been nowhere to be found, and indeed had appeared to be somewhat sickly when she asked Morcan for the weapon. Now that the blacksmith is ready to work, a search for her may happen if she doesn’t present herself again soon.

(If you’re looking for some mini-plots, stop by the blacksmith!)


Casually popping this up to where I can find it. We’ll be cross-server/cross faction completely after today’s patch.