Ahhhh, The Ship Feels Like Its Sinking

Time to shut down delves completely, take some time to actually fix them and make them accessible and doable for EVERYONE rather than continue to knee jerk push hotfixes that keep making the issue worse.

They arent asking for a OP Brann. They are asking for delves to be accessible and be a similar experience for all classes and specs. Right now that is 100% not the case and they are a vastly different experience for many players who dont play a freaking Warrior, DK, Monk or Paladin.

If anything, delves are shining a light on a long existing issue that delves are now exposing, imbalance… and what may appear (im not saying thats what it is, just may appear that way) like overt, biased class design.


They already are.


Every time you see “Delve” in General Discussion, take a drink.


Delves were enjoyable about a week ago until they messed everything up


Really? They are shut down and now made doable by everyone right now?

Or . . .

Just don’t do the optional content.

Ever think of that?


Common m ans cant be doing, doing that to … .

falls down


Delves are harder than M+


“Just don’t do one of the main selling features of the expansion for decent chunk of people.”


How are they both shut down and made doable?

I want arena shut down and made doable so that I always win.

So because this one guy doesn’t like delves, shut them down for the people who do?

They are doable by everyone. Just like dungeons. The higher difficulties are not meant for everyone. You are not getting free champion and hero gear.


they are asking a rhetorical question


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But if they shut down the delves, how will we go spelunking? They can’t shut down the delves…can they?

The best way to make sure they get to a point that works for everyone, is to keep tinkering while everyone is playing. Not having a public beta where many people were playing is how they launched so rough in the first place.

I was having a great time with delves all weekend. And now they’ve apparently made Brann stronger. Sounds good to me!


My delve experience must be wildly different. I had no big issues this week using up all my keys doing Tier 8s solo as an Arms Warrior, a spec that isnt exactly known for its soloability. Only boss that felt overtuned was Waxface which I cheesed by letting Bran get him to execute range. And I think they already nerfed him.

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Sure that makes sense. There are millions of people who play this game and you could just ignore them but if you are offended by them being there well then that should be enough. A million people having fun playing delves is nothing compared to agony of you knowing that they are still there.

Lmao, no they didn’t. They removed Brann’s scaling with the delve level, and offset it by 125%.

He’s doing significantly less damage than before.


That’s probably what they’re doing at HQ while they’re working on the fixes.

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He seems weaker to me

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