Ah, Sylvanas! So young, so naïve, so full of hope!

Lucky for her there was the wise Anduin to teach her the ways of the world.

Uhm… hard to believe it needs to be said, but this is sarcasm.


Yes…Where Anduin once sought her as an ally, He will now find her as…HIS QUEEN!

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Why learn new things or solve problems on your own when you can rely on that Human Potential™ to guide you to the proper writer-endorsed path.


Ok guys and gals… I´m almost afraid to ask.

What happened? (no I didn´t play today, was feeling to lazy to log)

/braces for answer

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Our Dark Lady has been redeemed. And now we must all rally to her side.

The bitter clingers will be swept away in the coming storm.


Blanduin is involved, amrite?


Please, excuse me for a minute

/goes outside to scream to the heavens


Of course. It would not surprise me if the Dark Lady has to sacrifice herself to save her “Little Lion <3” or they die together.

Together Forever.


Anduin in Before the Storm: “Sylvanas killed her own people, she’s irredeemable.”

Anduin in Battle for Azeroth: “Sylvanas burned Teldrassil, she must die.”



Don´t be mean, this could actually be great.

Imagine: we getting an actual “free” card from them.

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Someone at Blizzard would now tell you that this is character development!


You mean when Sylvanas becomes the new Arbiter, because that’s where her story is going (and the stupidest direction Blizzard could take it).

Anduin isn’t the trouble as he is confused too… :robot:

…it’s that the goal of Sylvanas that she has done this for free will for everyone. :skull:


Its been the obvious direction since EoN when the goddess analogues were first foreshadowed. Abandoning foreshadowing because elements of the audience are rejecting it is a temptation that makes serial narratives so hard to write.

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There’s no way he’s dying in this expansion. I’ll stand by that prediction.


Sylvanas becoming the Arbiter is still the stupidest possible direction her story could be taken. For many reasons including;

  • Sylvanas isn’t qualified because she’s not the oldest or wisest being alive
  • Sylvanas doesn’t deserve that honor after her many atrocities
    ** Giving her this honor would be a massive middle finger to her many victims.
  • There are others who have suffered worse than Sylvanas but won’t get this honor or anywhere near it.
  • There are others with more know about the cosmos than Sylvanas
  • Nihilism is a tool for killing justice, not ensuring it.
  • It’s a rehash of Kerrigan’s widely maligned Xel’naga arc.
  • People who like the edgy banshee queen won’t like her losing her edge (for comparison, it would surpass the backlash from Illidan fans when the idea of “Illidan, Champion of the Light” was introduced).

I could keep going, but this sums up the most relevant points.


We arent even really sure the arbiter is in fact a being at all.

It will likely be a penance not an honor. Like a chaingang, or mastering the Flying Dutchman

You seem to be so afraid of Sylvanas getting an honorific, that you see this boogeyman everywhere.

That is completely irrelevant.

Not necessary for a godess of death to be a shiney gold titan construct. She can be the saucy shrew she was always deep down, even if they have now restored the ranger general part of her soul.


What is your thing against edginess? you are a death knight. The edgiest class in all of Warcraft. It seems hypocritcal that you look down your nose at Sylvanas and Illidan, but praise Arthas.

Get out of your Ivory Tower Thadeus.


Whether the Arbiter is a being or a construct still doesn’t make Sylvanas qualified.

If only what you said about a position of penance were true; given the reverence the Arbiter is shown, it’s more like a promotion to archangel (or a Xel’naga…)

Sylvanas already had the honorific of “Warchief” and ran that into the ground.

Her lack of cosmic is relevant because Sylvanas has neither the ability nor wisdom to be a judge of the dead.

She won’t have time to be her snarky slag self is she’s busy judging an entire universe worth of dead mortals forevermore.


Actually, the edgiest class in all of World of Warcraft would be Demon Hunter - even moreso than Death Knight; Death Knights don’t get themselves possessed by demons they have a grudge against, cover themselves in tattoos, uniformly gouge out their own eyes, form a cult around WoW’s third biggest edgelord (behind Sylvanas and Deathwing) while being non-conformists to everything else…

I commend Arthas as a well-written and interesting villain, but still a villain who got what he deserved with death and the world is better off without him; I’m glad he was taken down.

Go play the Demon Hunter you clearly want to be instead of the paladin you clearly despise.


Presumably, the “break the wheel” theme has been present (stolen) since the beginning of the expansion, so the role of a future replacement for the arbiter/jailer would not be the honored executive of this arbitrary system, but something new. Sylvanas does have a “lot of red in her ledger” so a jailed existence— not unlike the one she fought so hard to avoid— would be poetic. Alas, the villain is not Sylvanas’ only personality. She has been a Xerxes-esque God-queen the entire time, and the story has been leading her slowly down this path of Godlike potential while also setting her up to explore so many themes from Christ, to Prometheus, to Loki.

Before this expansion is over, there will be a threat larger than Zovaal, and we will always need a jailer. A job that sucks. Sylvanas will likely be condemned to fill that role, while simultaneously elevated to defending the new system she has helped to set into motion.