Ah, Sylvanas! So young, so naïve, so full of hope!

Sylvanas being classified as a “Strong female character” is an affront to Female characters.


To be honest, at this point it absolutely is silly to call Sylvanas a “strong female character.” She certainly used to be, back when her character was simply hard-edged but ultimately well meaning for her people (an actual example of moral greyness btw), but that version just objectively does not exist anymore. She’s pretty much been retroactive written out of existence.

Sylvanas now is a person who can identify her own trauma and how it affected her, but will gladly inflict it on people across the board, right down to re-enacting her own death with Delaryn. Her abuser is long dead, and she wasn’t the only one abused by him, but she’s saddled right up with the guy responsible for his existence - which is not a good example of abusive relationships, mind you, people who are abused can be naive, not entirely braindead like her. And then at the end, after getting this new partner of her’s (responsible for an INSANE amount of atrocities and abuse on his end) power absolute, she only turns against him because she herself doesn’t wanna serve - after she stripped Anduin of his free will, attempted to do the same with Derek, and has sent people in droves to their deaths to be tormented into serving (or just to be broken down).

Sylvanas is a character who allowed her trauma to define her, has no qualms inflicting it on as many people as she can, and is too selfish to follow through on something she killed thousands of people for. This is the opposite of a strong character.


Did that feel good, getting that off your chest?

Name a single thing I said that’s untrue.

Actually do it this time, don’t just drop a catty comment and dip. Actually follow through on your convictions for once.


Haha, oof, big ouch.

I mean, on the whole I like Anduin and his concept. He’s a rare character who has this effect on the people to help them move in a better direction.

That said, the whole point of Sylvanas’ character in BfA was that she was a.) wholly committed to the cause of the Jailer, b.) she was the darkness to contrast his light in the story.

Remember, this woman was so committed to the cause that she literally burned children alive. For her to “falter,” as she so put it, after talking to Anduin three or four times is a massive betrayal of not just her character but Anduin’s character as well.

To draw a comparison, what they did would be the same as if Garrosh suddenly decided that he was wrong and repentant after spending a bit of time with Anduin. It’s absurd.



:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl:


It’s been like two days since your last daddy issues comment, and even if it wasn’t, you’re still a garbage truck who randomly assigns mental issues to people over video games.

Also even if I were someone who actively cared about raiding or who really did think that Sylvanas was going to die, you’re not particularly in a position to judge me given how much of this conversation you’ve scrubbed.

Plus, I was honestly cool letting it die here, but like I said - I live y’all’s head rent free.

This cant be real. This cant be real. This cant be real.

Please somebody tell me this isn’t real.

This game has gone full parody.

Oh its real alright.

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How you gonna serve Sylvanas when you can’t even be bothered to level this character?

I just returned to the game after quitting for a few years. New account. Probably wont do much retail levelling. I just like the new orc models better.

I meant Moothas.


Why do you think she will be the Arbiter?

Ranger General Sylvanas died defending her people, she died a hero and now she’s likely returned. RG Sylvanas didn’t make a “mess.”

The Banshee Queen that certain posters are salivating and drooling about, while dreaming about some sick and twisted death, is gone. The person that created her is still here; he is the closest being still alive that could possibly brought to justice.

If certain rabid poster’s want to desperately murder an innocent fictional character then say so, but they should stop fooling themselves in thinking that they are enacting any kind of justice by killing RG Sylvanas. It doesn’t make sense.

I believe in calling a spade a spade.

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To make the equitable afterlife she wanted, Sylvanas becomes the new Arbiter and forgives Arthas.

All of your reasons are rather weak, but hey they are what you believe so who am I to argue with that? I was looking for something a bit more substantial rather than she’s a creator’s pet or she wants to judge everyone that comes to the Shadowlands. I’m dumbfounded.

Sylvanas the new judger and sorter of souls that come through the Shadowlands. I’m Speechless.

At this point in the discussion why not? She could probably replace the Winter Queen or Elune at this point.

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nah, or she just gets the afterlife she deserved for her heroic sacrifice before the jailer turned her into his pet monster.

tbh that’s what I think she always wanted on her pursuit to create a just afterlife, not one that would rob of her memories or force her to serve for eons. She’s already served, she just wants to rest in peace.

But alas, before she gets that she’s gonna have a lot more story before meeting her final death. After she tries to rebuild all the damage the jailer caused. Repentance is still a worthy goal isn’t it?

I don’t like what Sylvanas has done either but I don’t want to see her dead.
Nor do I want her to self scarifice or become a demi-god entity in the shadowlands.

I want her to be clapped in irons and thrown under Mount Hyjal by Maiev for couple of expansions. We are running low on characters as it is.

I don’t think she will become a demi-god, at least I hope not…

But I think she will sacrifice herself.

The Maw fatigue is starting to set in, I have a good feeling we will be leaving the Shadowlands and “death is fair game” outside of it.

Slyvanas will sacrifice herself to stop Zovaal, her spirit will be sent to Ardenweld for rebirth in the future.

Now everytime a character dies we will have a “I wonder which convenant this character will go to!!”

Imagine watching the Varian death scene again with shadowlands in the back of your head. God I hate this expansion so much. I want Zovaal to win and end it all so by the time I leave I won’t even know there is a shadowlands to go to when characters die.


Reuniting with her deceased family and the Sin’dorei who died during Arthas invasion in an unknown realm that mirrors Quel’thalas = perfect ending.

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