AH SW griefing(ended discussion, no more responses.)

I explained that to him and got called insane and unhinged. :dracthyr_shrug:

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And no, I am not.

News flash, I have reported him, multiple times.

They could always up and change their minds. Is it likely? Probably not, especially as they seem determined to gradually unravel all quality of life measures for players. But it could happen.

I don’t even care about this. A free for all brawl can be a good time. The theory behind allowing key NPCs to be killed is supposed to be that it will hopefully provoke PVP as people work together to push out the invader. I’m game to flag up and show off-server invaders that people who do RP aren’t always pushovers.

That’s not really what’s happening here. It’s one person being a nuisance not for the sake of stirring opposition, but for the sake of being a nuisance. Griefing and trolling for the sake of making life a tiny bit worse and more frustrating for people who can’t fight back. Because when they get opposed and get close to being killed they escape, and they wait out the patience of the defenders, and then they get back to it.

If the challenge of the fight was the point, they’d take the ‘L’ in good grace and find something else to do once enough opposition was mustered to take them down. Server hopping, running into an instance or taking a glider exit off of the open back half of the city isn’t fair and square PVP. It’s not a contest. It’s not a matter of skill. It’s just picking on people who can’t fight back because you’re the kind of person who likes picking on people who are literally prevented from stopping you and making them angry.

again, your opinions regarding blizzards terms mean absolutely nothing. zilch, nadda.
if you think otherwise we likely have a class action lawsuit on our hands.

call 5 lawyers for a consult and get back to us with the results. ill go make some popcorn.


and yet blizzard hasnt removed all those little pvp zones that kicked you into pvp even when you opt out of warmode.
almost like they arent going to do anything to stop pvp from happening in every circumstance.

Those are other zones - the policies I linked specifically mention ZONE disruption, IE being in said sone and having it disrupted.

Further, you completely ignored the other article linked . :3

Prior suspensions for lengthy camping of NPCs, especially involving quests on non-PvP servers says otherwise.

Fixed, and good luck with that…

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Then obviously its not a disruption because action hasn’t been taken.

You have your answer, whats the problem?


Takes more than 1 report for blizz to take notice.

tHey d0Nt lI3k teH aNsw3r

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Then it looks like its only your problem. Maybe you should move on?

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yeah, thats how I would take ‘zone disruption’…far more than just killing some NPCs.
They never do anything about those 15 -20 alliance who come to orgrimmar and cause ‘disruption’ lol…why would they then worry about four little AH NPCs being wasted a few times a week

I like popcorn as well, but why would I call 5 lawyers over a video game? Is that a thing people do?

I’d just like a little further clarity from Blizzard. Hell, I wish Mirasol was a Blizzard employee, then this would be resolved beyond any doubt.

Maybe you should move on from this thread if you are that bothered by it.

Oh, well in that case you obviously aren’t bothered by the AH killer, because you haven’t moved on from it.


He doesn’t kill the dwarven district AH dudes

source: I have numerous characters on Moon Guard

TBH, it’s sort of our own fault. We have TONS of lvl 60s sitting there in SW, filling Trade District, and they literally just sit there and watch him do it. They almost never attack him. Group of 30+ max levels sitting there and not defending so…

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mirasol has literally provided you with answers from blizzard.
you not understanding those answers means nothing in reality, that place the rest of us are currently operating in.

^ this is what handing yourself an L looks like.


So either one person is the only one complaining about it (i doubt that though).
Or, they dont care about the matter regardless of how many complaints they get (what is actually likely happening given the length of time that this ‘issue’ has been going on).

Betting if we googled long enough this has been covered by a blue or someone who is in the know. Betting theyve said ‘sorry about your luck’ somewhere.

Well then I asked on CS for you seeing as you don’t want to believe everyone + a clear support article.