Hey everyone,
I was on 3rd shift for the longest time and had a hard time finding a guild to call home. BUT I am coming back to daytime (On 7/19/2024) and hopefully that makes it easier. I’m more of a casual player right now and my records would reflect that as I do not have anything in the mythic season or any raids higher than LFR under my belt for the last little while. I do want to get back into more content since I will be around during more agreeable hours. I’ll be getting home at 5pm EST with Thu/Fri off.
I like to do just about all kinds of content, I’m a fast learner and I’m a social player and love to communicate. I’ve done just about all roles and have a couple boosts left over so I can go just about anywhere, but more of my played characters are on Zul’Jin Horde side.
If anyone out there is still recruiting for what we have left of DF, TWW or Cata Classic on the side, I would love to try and find a home and make some new friends in the game. My Bnet is Scramblini#1613 and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
We are a group of older wow players on the realm Wrymrest Accord. It is a RP realm but we don’t role play. We dable in a bit of everything. Very casual and everyone has a real life they need to attend to. Work or family or anything RL always comes first. Zero preasure to log in. The realm was originally very Horde populated so the guild was originally horde. Now we have many people adding their alliance toons or just alliance players joining as well. The guild does raid, run mythic plus together. We have a lot of casual people as well that like to farm mog,mounts,pets,toys. Some are altoholics and have a lot of characters in the guild.
I wish you luck in finding your new home and if you have any questions about us please feel free to ask.
Hey there.
I represent a small, new guild that is raid focused (aiming for AOTC every season), semi hardcore (have fun but come prepared, etc), mostly mature, and pretty chill. We raid Wednesday Sunday from 7pm to 10pm PST. Wanna talk?
Mmoargynn on discord
Hey buddy msg me on bnet - it’s fae. Might know a place for you =)
Hey there!
Mercen Ares (Proudmoore) is on the lookout for DPS to round out our roster for The War Within.
To keep it brief: we earn AoTC every tier pretty quickly. Our raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM EST and we active members putting together Mythic+ groups most nights.
Our members are mostly in their late-20s to late 30s, with some older folks too. We also have active groups in other games outside of WoW if that’s your thing.
At our core, we’re a bunch of players who enjoy playing together and we’re looking to find more like-minded people to join us and help progress further as a group and guild.
If this sounds like your kind of vibe or if you have any questions, shoot me a message here or add me on Discord @ Sneebleskrat. I’d be happy to chat!
Trial run Tuesdays, 9-11pm eastern (8-10pm central). Let’s GO!
About our Progression Raid Team:
AOTC every season. Solid players with class flexibility. Leader and others have Mythic raiding background.
Tue Wed 8-10pm CDT (9-11pm eastern). S4 Heroic Awakened raids on farm, still clearing on Tuesdays for alts and fun.
People can join any guild on any realm in the upcoming TWW xpac. No server transfers necessary.
Guild Information: Horde and Alliance
The Dignified on Blade’s Edge is a large 13 yr old FUN, player friendly guild.
Casual raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CDT open to all guildies.
Remix raids open to all guildies every day.
RBGs scheduled 4 nights a week and RBG push team 2 nights a week.
Mythic Mondays, M+ in guild chat every day, weekly old content runs, parties, raffles, mog contests, old school fun things!
We love people! Everyone is welcome here.
BNET: Death#12773
Discord: olrazzledazl
BNET: Stormy#1445
First off will send over a bnet request, but I will still post my guild info for you to look over.
My guild Crimson Lances on Dalaran has been around since 2018. We are a social guild for those 18+, I believe that real life comes first, and the game second. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game. We are close friends and very open and friendly to all. We love to help new players learn their class/spec or with gold, bags or gearing etc.
We have DND groups. We group for dungeons or old content farming for achievements/transmogs/mounts/pets. We have a Wednesday learning raid at 9pm est. This is a learning environment where you can learn the raid, get loot, and not get stressed out. We typically do LFR/Normal content in this for those gearing up their first character or another alt. This is along side other random events hosted.
For those looking for more serious raiding we have our progression team doing Normal, AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier. We have gotten AOTC consistently as a guild since BFA. Times are Thursday/Saturday 8PM est – 11PM est
I know this alot of info but if your interested in checking us out you can join our discord. Also cross server guilds are coming with prepatch so you can join guild from another server. We can chat more here or you can reach out to me on btag/discord
katzlover#1661 - Btag
katzlover1661 – discord
About Us: We are a 2 day/week raiding guild that formed at the end of Dragonflight. Our goal is to achieve CE on a more casual schedule while still maintaining a competitive and positive environment. We are looking for players who have mythic raiding experience and looking for a laid back atmosphere with a serious progression mindset.
Schedule: Wednesday/Thursday 9pm-12am EST
Recruiting: 1 Tank (No BDK) - Hpal, Disc, MW, Pres - any exceptional Dps!
Apply: Contact us on Discord at Grace#9631 or Vasic#4997