[A/H] Ret Pally/MM Hunter looking for AOTC guild

Hey All,
I am currently looking for an AOTC guild for the new expansion! Last time I raided, I achieved AOTC in Castle Nathria. I also focus heavily on Mythic+ having gotten around 2.5k rated in Shadowlands season 1 and also 2 KSM toons in Dragonflight. Faction and server don’t really matter to me, I’m just trying to see what’s out there and see if I can join a cool group of folks to raid with!
My character I am playing now is Nuni on Scarlet Crusade but also have Nuni on Ysera and Nunnii on Stormrage which was the character I raided on. I can play either Paladin or Hunter, but prefer playing Paladin this expansion to try something new!


Insufferable is a guild on Area 52 (H) that was started in 2014. We achieved AoTC in SoO and took a break from raiding. We are now looking to start up recruitment again and get our guild active!

We are recruiting casual members as well as people who are interesting in raiding and doing M+ content. My goal for this expansion is to achieve AoTC in a timely manner with like-minded individuals. We will be running dungeons, M+, and raiding on top of getting to know each other!

Our raid times will (tentatively) be Thursday / Friday from 10PM-12AM EST (7PM-9PM PST). This is going to be up for debate depending on who we get to join, as life definitely gets in the way sometimes.

We are currently recruiting:



Melee DPS

Ranged DPS

Feel free to send any messages to Kyrathele-Area52 with any inquiries and I look forward to meeting anyone who is interested!

Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

I’d love to chat with you about our guild and where you might fit in. Hit me up -

Summit Gaming is coming back for future xpacks and end game content. We are looking for a good ranged dps and some solid healers to push mythic end game content, we are open to experienced raiders and officers to join our core!

Raid times
Wednesday Thursday 8-11 east
Discord: Force9014
Bnet: Force#1405
Bnet: Grunkleg#1670
Bnet: Krispyish#1937

We are a past CE guild (Obsidian Spur - Thrall) for multiple Tiers and Expansions. We took the last few tiers off and have now got the core back together to do a 1 night a week AOTC flex raid group for TWW. Last time we raided on a 2 night a week schedule we got mythic Jailer down with a top 1200 world kill.

Looking for players who want to tackle AOTC and are active in M+ but have a tighter schedule and can’t raid 2+ days a week. Laid back raid environment looking to just enjoy killing internet monsters with each other again.

Raid times - Wednesday 8:00pm-11:30pm EST

Discord : Naftywafty or Naftywafty#0850 if that doesn’t work.

Hello there!
We are looking for a ret paladin for our crew. Checkout our post and see if we are a good fit for you!