AH Price Controls Needed

cheaper sounds good to me :slight_smile:

i have very little sympathy for your scenario heh

I learned advanced galactic economics from the High Sorcerer Ahriman of the Thousand Son’s chaos legion, and learned game theory on the planet of the sorcerers under the tutelage of the great Kairos Fateweaver himself while simultaneously studying FILO systems under no less than three shards of Magnus the Red.

If you’re going to spout out credentials on an anonymous platform, at least make them good ones.

Trust me when I say this realspace elf knows nothing about empyreal economics.

TBH there’s no way to justify automation destroying the auction house at this point, and posts saying that this is working are just as silly as my Warhammer 40k economic qualifications.


Back at you since that was you a couple weeks ago basically calling everyone stupid and condescending to them lol your the only one wrong here as was proven mr “all prices will go up because limited supply” lol bye hope you learn how to handle being wrong someday and learn game economics

no need - enough items on auction house. If people are too lazy to do a minimum amount of work they don’t deserve to be rewarded.

Alchemy masteries only work on MOP content and before, it doesn’t work on shadowlands (flask and potion bonuses in legion and BFA were from rank three, this system doesn’t exist in SL).

So you cannot earn extra procs on any SL alchemy related crafts.

And why do you think ores and herbs should not be worth the price they are selling at? (BTW the herb prices right now are the same as the prices which were on the large servers, except for a majority of cases - and herbs sell between 8-22 gold with fluctuations of 10-30 or down to 6-17 at the end of season content).

But I’m actually genuinely curious about those of you who say herbs/ores, etc should not cost X amount.

Are you out there farming it for yourself? Are you farming it to sell? Or are you wanting to buy from farmers but for a price you deem is fair? If it’s option C, why do you get to dictate the price of someone else’s time is worth less than your own time? Since you won’t invest your time.

I admitted I was wrong about it. Literally the first post you responded to in this chain. You refuse to accept you are wrong and keep throwing out insults and "Nuh uh"s.

You also have been called out for your toxic attitude in other threads man, idk what to tell you.

Shh folks, let this play out for a few more days. I need more easy flips.

It wouldn’t be an auction house if it was regulated.

I fully expected the smoothbrains to shout “lolol free market! this is fReEeee MarKET! cry harder price gouger!”. Meanwhile most of this behavior would be illegal in civilized countries.

OP, as one of the few posters who is above 18 and has a job, actually understands this. Are you all under the impression that real life stock markets are just a wild west with no regulatory bodies?

But no, please go on how bots performing exploits are part of the intended outcome.

This will cause prices to increase though.

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Wooooow good job blizzard you managed to emulate a crashing stock market, people are desperately dumping their wares trying to get rid of them before the price drops further leading to rampant and uncontrolled undercutting. All of my wares went to a seventh or a tenth of what they were selling regularly for before the merge, way to stick it to crafters.

Oh no one rando said i was mean because i told someone else they were wrong whatever will i do your hilarious getting so butt hurt over someone telling you your wrong lol get off the forum if you cant handle discourse

I don’t feel the purpose of the Auction House is for players to make gold. I feel it’s a place to trade commodities. If the price goes down, that’s good for buyers. If you don’t think it’s worth your time to list your commodities, then don’t list them. Someone else will fill that gap. No fix is needed.

I think Humanbeak somewhere is upset they can’t have a monopoly on their server anymore


My initial thought is that this is contradictory. The literal purpose of gold is so that you can exchange it for some other item that you want, be it repairs or pets or flasks or mounts. If the AH was only “I want to trade 200 Death Blossom for 1 Primal Fire”, nothing would ever sell because that’s too specific. Hence a common currency.

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You prove me right again.

Yes. I think I didn’t explain myself properly. Of course you need a currency, and in WoW that currency is gold. But the OP seems to think the purpose of the AH is to make as much gold as possible, and that’s not at all the way I feel about it.

If the prices for commodities are dropping, it’s because they were too high to begin with. Blizzard’s whole purpose of combining the AH’s was to make the prices even out across the realms. That’s exactly what’s happening. It will take time, but the prices will stabilize eventually. Nothing needs to be fixed.

I do not agree that there is a price or publication control, what should be done is to add a Buy Orders system, as I suggested in the next Topic.

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maybe its time to do away with the “pay my price or get out” 20 year old ah system?

Eve online has a nice market system that allows a buyer to come along and say “I’d like that item and this price”. They may not get it immediately, but someone with the item who needs a shot of cash quick could see that buyers offer and be like “sold!”. Even a game as old and basic as runescape has a system where buyers can make offers and if a seller has an item for cheap the buyer gets that cheaper price

We need free markets instead!!