AH Price Controls Needed

Thanks for your thoughts. I agree completely that the current situation is the result of the AH merge, but I suppose my point is that there are some general assumptions you can make when it comes to selling–chief among them is that, absent some compelling reason, people do not sell things at a loss. If the cost to produce a product exceeds the amount for which a person can sell the product, they will stop making the product. They might sell existing inventory at a loss, but that’s the end of the line.

I think you’re spot on that the wow token is a great example of how to adjust the price based on supply and demand. They already have the nuts and bolts done.

In DF, there will be multiple versions of each item, which will be a different unique item ID. I think a tier 4 potion of whatever is probably exactly the same as every other tier 4 potion of whatever, so this would still work fine there. Clearly, you couldn’t compare a T1 and a T4 though. And yeah, this doesn’t work for armor or mogs, but the AH works fundamentally differently for those items already, so no big deal there.

ore and herbs should never be worth as much as they are, you can still thank raw inflation from things like garrisons saturating the raw gold economy. Flasks have always cost more to craft than buy, unless you get procs from flask mastery, which has been the niche since like wotlk, you craft with procs and profit otherwise you barely break even.

Sorry your ore dropped from 30g to 2g overnight, better luck next life

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I have made a lot of gold from this update, he speaks the truth.

Alchemy procs haven’t been in the game in years.

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It call capitalism

Or just allow me to pick a price point I’m willing to buy at.

I was trying to buy some bones for my LW yesterday. There where hundreds of thousands available between 2g and 2.5g, but the cancel/scan/snipe shenanigans going on at 1g and below was causing the “Item not available” msg. Took around 30 tries to get my 200 bones, and that was at 2 a.m.

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Yeah, this is the absolute worst. Makes it very dangerous to try and buy mats to make things… I was buying mats for some stuff last night, and I was able to buy half of what I needed and for the life of me it wouldn’t let me buy the rest. By this afternoon, the price had tanked so hard that I don’t want to make anything with the stuff I bought. Until they work that stupid nonsense out, I wouldn’t buy anything you can’t flip solo.

A “free market” is one where sellers have overhead costs, and can’t hold out indefinitely in case they find a sucker who is willing to pay $100k for an item with a vendor value of 10 cents.

A lot of the “free market” ploys we see in wow would get a real life company investigated and fined or put out of business.

The “Last in First Out” mechanic appears to have been designed to funnel gold to people like you. That way you’ll be buying tokens for game time and paying gold for the carries you guys love, and the players who used to be able to earn enough gold in game will have to buy tokens because of your avarice.

I’d be glad to see the AH be useful to everyone again, like it was before the current edition was implemented. I used to sell full stacks at a good discount, which is a REAL free market sales technique. Now nothing sells thanks to your wishful thinking and self-serving greed.

Most stuff I just vend out because I know if I don’t have a bot sitting to cancel scan it won’t sell.

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I’m curious to see how the new professions are going to pan out in DF, as of now it’s not going to be worthwhile besides for the folk flipping the AH.

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I think the new crafting professions are going to be like Legion crafting on steroids.

It’s wild that degenerate cancel scanning has been tolerated for so long. And now, if you’re not doing it, you’ll just never sell anything. I just posted some potions a couple minutes ago and inside 30 seconds, there were like 8000 more posted after me lol. You basically can’t sell anything affected by the 9.2.7 change without staring at the AH until it’s sold.

Every time I hear someone spout off about the free market… as if the wow AH is a remotely free market now. I didn’t realize free markets only permitted you to buy the most recently posted items at a given price, and you have to buy all the lowest price items to buy the more expensive ones. I guess no mom-and-pop stores can exist in free markets since you have to buy Amazon’s whole inventory before you can buy one from them. Who knew lol.

I hate hearing buzz words in this conversation. This is a video game, it’s fake money, and this isn’t a political diatribe. Sheesh

I actually proposed a system similar to this in another topic that uses a certain amount of randomness that is directly proportional to the transaction volume of a given item and helps curb the cancel scanning and keeps things moderately fair.

It’s only theoretical, and I have no data or simulations to back up that it would be efficient, but I think with tweaking, something similar could very well work.

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Awww…I’m weeping endless tears of sadness that you poor poor poor AH monsters can’t screw over actual players with your stupid gouged pricing wars and actually have to compete against each other now to make a sale on stuff that is already overpriced to begin with.

Waaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaah!


Stop, I can only be so entertained.

Meet the global market, and bend the knee. Finally gone are the days of robber barons imposing their monopolies on a captive audience.

Prices are worth what people are willing to pay. The price is dropping because you and people like you can no longer control the supply. This is a good thing, and I can’t wait for phase 2 when it extends to everything else as well.

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Actually, it’s worse now :wink:

I’ll see about that soon. If all this crying about how flowers are barely above vendor prices and stuff is to be true, then I’ll not be spending close to 4 digits for a single flask on my Horde realm. I don’t know what it is on this alliance server I’m on.

Edit - Spectral flask of power. Currently going for 245G as of right this moment. Last time I bought in on my Horde toons? 874G per flask. I see this is an absolute win. Drive these prices to the floor!

Sort of. Stackable items will list at the lowest price. That’s not necessarily reasonable. The price could be 100x normal for various reasons so your stuff will never sell.

For non-stackable items it’s not even remotely reasonable. Like it won’t distinguish between items that have a socket and don’t or have a tertiary stat and don’t. It’s worse because there are a ton of items that have the exact same name but different stats.

You’re out of your mind if you think this system, as is, in any way hurts the ultra goblins (of which, I am certainly not–I just want to make a modest bit of gold so I don’t have to buy tokens to fund raiding).

You have to behave like an ultra goblin to sell things now though. Because you’re going to get undercut so fast by the cancel-scanners that your head will spin.

Region-wide AH is a good idea, but this implementation is not good. There needs to be more changes.

Just revert this stupid change. As someone who has always specifically played mid pop servers because its the only way to participate in reasonable markets and reliably make gold from crafting consumables. As opposed to large servers where consumables are generally crafted at a loss. Thanks for spreading that disease to the entire game Blizzard; if its going to stay this way at least make everything region wide so all items are on an equal playing field instead of having consumables worth nothing while equip-able items are worth an obscene amount by comparison (depending on server).

If the concern was that lower pop servers would not have the population to support the new tiered reagent thing, connect more low pops servers to get them to mid, not force the large server markets on the entire game population.

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GLHF. I make about 192$ hourly at work so my time is literally too valuable to spend farming mats like an actual robot, but IMO you should keep farming and just farm harder.