AH Price Controls Needed

I bought like 4000 of something. You can definetly do it with the cheap prices.

Whole region mergers was a bad idea period. A better idea would be to merge low-mid pop servers and make several merged economies and not just one mega economy. SO NA would have like 10 separate merged economies each with many different servers together.

Most High pop servers have enough competition to keep prices low and affordable without tanking the value to nothing. These would be handled case by case.

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Yeah you are many people have explained over the weeks and you keep saying the same wrong thing we dont run out of mats they always respawn and millions play so there will always be a supply sorry you dont like the truth and have to try to play victim after your the one who basically called everyone stupid and condescended to them in other threads over your bad theory that everything would go up because of limited supply

We have those. They’re called “vendor prices.”

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this is a long sentence

Im too lazy to use punctuation sorry lol

The fact you cannot comprehend the difference between limited supply and unlimited supply is tiresome.

You said it yourself, there’s millions of wow players, right? That is not unlimited.
Only so many will farm. There’s only so much time for them to farm. Thus there is a limited quantity, it is not unlimited.

Being condescendingly incorrect doesn’t change the fact it’s incorrect.

All things held equal what I was saying was correct, but I didn’t account for the mad rush to undercut, which I already said I was wrong for because all things did not hold equal due to the mad rush to constantly undercut on everything.

Aww boohoo you can’t rig the entire auction house anymore.


so… basically, since people are going to under cut any way, better to to just have the first in, first to sell rule. and then all these “people are trolling by posting lower prices instead if matching the existing price” will be the ONLY way to ensure you sell first which will only magnify this “trolling” because then “you” will ALSO have to post lower prices every time you cancel and relist.

People who don’t understand the auction house probably shouldn’t suggest changes for it.

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maybe the problem is cancel scanning is more profitable.
the solution might be to make it more expensive to cancel than it is to post something and let it run its course.

idea: increase the deposit cost by about 50%
then if an item is canceled, the AH keeps the deposit (normal)
BUT, if a listing goes the full time (without selling) the AH returns 90% of the deposit

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No thanks !!

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Aw sweet, another “capitalism isn’t fair so I want it gutted” thread.
Show me an example of price controls being anything but devastating to an economy. Real life or in game. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

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“Boohoo, competition is hurting my bottom line.”

  1. Price gouging is illegal after disasters–not devastating
  2. Utility rates require government approval–not devastating
  3. Copays for some medical procedures are fixed by statute–not devastating

Should I continue?

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I meant price controls of the free market, nothing you listed is part of the free market. I didn’t think I needed to be that specific, but the rest of this dumpster fire thread of yours should have tipped me off.

And here’s a little free economics 101 tip for you: those things you did list would be cheaper without price controls. Price control and government involvement causes prices to go up. Lobbying and corrupt politicians create an environment where only the biggest can compete, thus creating monopolies.


Cheap mats are great :slight_smile:


There’s an old saying: “There are two kinds of goods that are very expensive: those goods whose quantity is limited because they’re unique, and those goods the government has tried to make cheaper.”

It currently costs more to make a flask than the flasks sell for. This is not how economies work.

I actually like the OP’s idea. Instead of “Market” orders for commodities (now on a regional AH), he’s suggesting “Limit” orders.

This is kind of how WoW tokens work now…

  1. Minimum price to make transaction: If a buyer wants game-time but thinks the gold price for a token is too high, they just wait. If a seller thinks the gold value for $20 is too low, they just wait to buy a token.

  2. The AH, sets the price based on supply/demand: The game adjusts the token price every N hours based on the imbalance ratio of buyers & sellers (i.e., when demand=supply, the price doesn’t change, when one or the other is above/below some threshold, there’s a price adjustment up/down based on the ratio).

  3. Commodities in the queue sell first-in-first-out (FIFO). You can certainly cancel a listing still, but the only motivation to do so it because you made a mistake. You can’t undercut because the AH sets the price on a moving time-window of supply/demand ratio.

This only works with commodities where there’s a constant stream of supply and demand. It doesn’t work for non-commodities (like transmogs, crafted gear, etc.) that may not have any prior supply or very low demand.

The only drawback I see is that it is much less of a mini-game for the goblins out there. That might be an acceptable thing for Blizzard though and it would certainly make commodities truly “normalized” as it eliminates player-based undercutting.

It is not at all what should happen with the new DF professions where crafters can specialize in a skill to make things better than a standard item (including consumables). Standard consumables could still be in the AH price set, but anything special-made should be in the original player price set.

That’s exactly how a partitioned economy that suddenly is unified will work. If goblins on small servers were sitting on TONS of inventory, and they suddenly can no longer control the market, many will unload as quickly as possible driving prices below cost-to-make. That situation will persist until the excess supply dries up and starts to match the market demand.