[A/H] OCE <Dawnhaven> Social / Raiding Guild (v2)

Guild will be active for MoP Remix, plenty planned for the event.


My friend and I would love to join your guild. He plays a Hunter and a WW monk. I play a resto shaman, priest and resto druid. Let me know how you want us to proceed from here. But otherwise, we are into all content and like to help out where needed. We would love to be able to raid as well. Thanks, Hargy

your best bet is joining the discord and applying from there.

Plenty of Guildies playing MoP Remix. Come join.

Still active. Still rolling.

Bumping post.
Still an active community.

bumping post.
Ironman season 4 this weekend.

Keen for Ironman and TWW! Friendly and chill group!

Hi, I wanted to enquire about joining this guild.

I wanted to enquire about joining this guild.

Amazing Guild was so welcoming when i came back to the game after a long hiatus. Awesome buch of people.
Cant recommend the Guild enough.

Instructions on how to join are in the post and in the video linked in the post.

Now is the time to Join people. War Within is right around the corner.
Been plahing since Vanilla and this is one of the best Guilds i have ever been apart of

1 Like

I would like to join the Guild please

Dawnhaven, still looking for active members to be a part of our community.

Still looking for amazing people to join an amazing Guild jump on board and enjoy the fun and adventure that awaits in the new expansion.

But what’s in it for me you ask?

Amazing Guild
Talented players who are more than happy to provide guidance and insights
Social nights
Raid nights.
Friendly and engaging teams

Still recruiting.

Still recruiting.

Nice and friendly people

Join the guild today - and you too could win the Ironman challenge!