Dawnhaven is an established Australian-based guild operating in the +10 GMT time zone, with members spanning various other time zones, predominantly OCE-based on Frostmourne.
Since its inception in July 2022, Dawnhaven has thrived on a unique approach, emphasizing the social fabric of the game. Our guild stands out for its inclusive ethos, ensuring that all members have opportunities to engage in content provided they are committed to contributing.
Unlike many guilds, we eschew the hyper-focus mentality on Mythic Raiding in favor of a balanced approach favouring the social aspect of the Guild and game. Concentrating on Normal/Heroic Raiding - we also cater to all levels of Mythic+ content and offer avenues for PvP participation.
Within our community, you’ll discover ample opportunities for transmog and mount farming alongside casual hangouts, fostering a vibrant social atmosphere.
For more insights into our guild culture, check out our introductory video:
Dawnhaven Guild Introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CNQcTJGlQk
Scheduled Events:
Social Night: Mondays at 8 pm Server Time
Raid Night: Thursdays at 8 pm Server Time
To join Dawnhaven, please visit our Discord server and familiarize yourself with the provided PDF, containing all necessary instructions for membership. Should you have any inquiries, our management and members are readily available to assist.
Discord Server Code: dawnhaven
Friends on the internet, hear me
I personally believe this is the guild for you
Recommended by yours truely
Seriously just join
Thank you for your time
Dawnhaven has been such an incredible community to join. It’s consistently active throughout the season, has plenty of fun social nights. Despite the social focus, the raid team is full of competent players who are there for both fun & clearing. Truly a wonderful place to be.
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Those are very kind words from our sponsors.
Hey there. New to the game but i’d be keen to join. Same Blizz name as my character name and on Frostmourne.
Have a good day, Adam
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I for one support our metallic and thradtastic leadership, they steer us ever onwards to glory and good times… and this is not at all submitted under a whit of duress…
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Not being in Dawhaven is cringe. Absolutely poggers guild.
Are you tired of mundane quests and endless grinding, desperately seeking a guild that’s as epic as your character’s loot collection (which, let’s face it, includes more decorative hats than you’ll ever wear)? Look no further than Dawnhaven! We offer the finest content while celebrating all your epic fails with a laugh and numerous screenshots that will only haunt you over time. After all, it’s not about the loot; it’s about the friendships and the awkward moment when you are the only one to turn up to the transmog competition not in a slutmog outfit. Dawnhaven: Seriously skilled raiders for the 6minutes it counts, awesome mates the rest of the time
Hello, exceptional guild. Well presented and full of friendly people.
Great bunch of people - Raiding nights are great fun, even if its progression - and Social nights are a blast. Glad I found like minded people to play with
1 Like
Full night of Jackbox games tonight - great fun.
Thanks to everyone who came!
Great, friendly community. Been going strong since it’s creation back in July 2022.
Come say hi!
Join the community for 10.2 Progression! Raid, Mythic+, Social Nights; lovely bunch of people to checks note be a community with 
Awesome community who value the time spent together, building friendships and having fun times together.
Active discord with plenty of people available to help, respond to questions or just to have a chat. 
Give Dawnhaven a go. You will have the best time and be amongst really incredible people. You won’t find a better guild.
If you have Dawnhaven, you have everything.
Because we have you bro and you’re my everything bro.