[A/H] OCE <Dawnhaven> Social / Raiding Guild (v2)

We also have a light classic playerbase that we run as on the side!

Discord is buzzing at the moment.
Season 3 looks like it will be a good one. Come join in on the fun.

Join Dawnhaven - where every drop is my BiS!

Shame Thrad doesn’t let us loot anything.

Season of Discovery.
Out now!

still a strong and active community.

Still recruiting.
Stong community, events nightly.

Bump. Still recruiting.

Bump. Still recruiting as always.
hope everyone had a good chrissy break.

Group Ironman in a weeks time.
A dawnhaven exclusive event. More details in our discord.

Joined cause the main tanks were hot - stayed for the socials. Never had so much fun, occasionally play Warcraft too :slight_smile:

Regular keys ran during the day.
weekly Raids.

Guild is still going strong with daily events, even during WoWs off-time.
Never to late to join!

Still very active despite wow being somewhat dead. Weekly events for all to enjoy.

Weekly events schedule posted for the month.

Still recruiting and heavily active dispite the current overall player activity at the moment.
We keep the game fun.

Still recruiting. Will always be recruiting.

And still we recruit…

Still recruiting and then some.
Everything you will need is in the discord when you join.

bumping. plenty planned for s4.