AH Gold Issue

I sold 48x Korthite Crystals this morning at 7:30est, it should have had the 44k gold in my inbox by 8:30est. Both have cleared out of my AH sale items and I have still not received my gold and mail stating the auctions sold. Can someone help?

They’re aware of the issue. It’s sometimes taking up to 72 hours for things to come through. Some people have had luck by making a purchase or cancelling an auction to try and nudge stuck mail through.


Thanks for this, I was about to reinstall the game lol.


I had two sold auctions showing when I logged off a couple of hours ago. When I came back I showed unread mail from AH but there was none in my box and the auctions were now gone.

Update: May have found a temporary fix. I cancelled an Auction I had active and then all of the mail I was waiting for arrived. So cancelled my ticket.

Experiencing this same issue. I’ve even had some Auctions I’ve sold well over (3) days ago still not appear into my mailbox.

I’ve already resorted at this point to open a ticket for a Game Master to see why my gold is not arriving at all now. Currently missing around 3,000 - 4,000 gold in Auctions.