Aggramar Alliance Reconnections

Hey Marks, I was a NE rogue named Jarend back in our WD days. Was rogue leader with sema. We had a female human rogue named Allianna. Another long time rogue we had was Shaidar.

WD was toetotoe and his wife mastercraft i believe

Purgatory was the one sema and larks were in…non stop drama from those two lol.

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Another MOTS member!!! /wave

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I remember both you and Sidoni!

If anyone knew me, This is Beefchop! Mostly known from the guild Pandemonium. Had lost of friends.

Gravisriley, if you see this, get a hold of me!

Larong - Night Elf Rogue - Played with Lords of Acid in Classic / Burning Crusade, then The Enclave in WotLK. If Ebisu and Moonaria are around or plan to play, hit me up! Heal Seetrim.

Bianna - Human Mage. Originally was in One Eight Seven in Classic, did MC,BWL, AQ20. Friends from my old guild, D00d, Capital, Bohica, Jadeynn, Janndar.


My main was human priest Katja in Slayers of Darkness, One Eight Seven, Nemesis. I healed MC, BWL, AQ 20.


Hey Bianna, I remember you! Look me up!

Any specific servers aggramar people are playing on?

Knails former backup tank from Disposable Heroes and later known as the guild leader for Evil Deeds Inc.


yea back in the day EO and DH were the top guilds on aggy anyways for raid content


Tarathiel NE Hunter Disposable heroes


OotR and DH were the OGs, then EO if I’m not mistaken!

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/wave /dance

Galahad here human warlock, now play a rogue goblin. Lonewolfe.

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Moodwra Night Elf Druid. was in a couple guilds before The Shadow League and before i left for Thrall server.

I played Zealoushero - a holy paladin in the raiding guilds Victory Or Whatever, Trinity, and Serenity.

I’ve lost touch with a lot of my friends in those guilds:

  1. Adese (pally) and Wynella (mage)
  2. Zimba (priest)
  3. Whoha (lock)
  4. Wulf (druid)
  5. Toefinger (hunter) and Lildoc (hunter)
  6. Gexie (priest)
  7. Chrystopher (pally)

Nothing but fond memories during those days, if any of you are still out there I’d love to raid with you again, please reach out. Probably going to be Faerlina Alliance. I don’t think we ever made much progress in BWL or Naxx so I’m trying to go further this time around.

Hey there friends! It’s such a blast seeing so many familiar names, almost cried when I saw the second post was about Ba Soul. I was practically raised in Ba Soul !
I played a night elf warrior named ioka often referred to as Loka xD with my brother a night elf hunter named Dakind

I miss everyone so much :sob:
I especially miss:
Would love to reconnect with anyone from Ba Soul or just anyone who remembers us :smiley:


Hey guys! I played as a Human Paladin with the guild Emerald Knights. Dameone was my character name. One of my favorite people I use to play with Greyvar has passed a few years back. He was a great guy and if you knew him, you know how sad it is that we don’t get to relive the glory days with him. Aggramar for me is incomplete without him.

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