Aggramar Alliance Reconnections

Sniperskill, Dwarf Hunter

Holy Knights Templar
Dawn of Kaldorei

Tons of other guilds that I joined and made friends in.

Hi I’m Bamlol, I raided Core with Exalted Order through BC/WOTLK and also I am one of the few Gladiator players Aggramar has had.

I will be creating a massive PVP guild not on Aggramar. More than likely a decent pop/ high pop PVP server. A lot of Gladiator players from Aggramar, aswell as A lot of Realm First Raiders from Aggramar are joining & will be committed to BG premades/Raids. If you would like to participate in a NON TOXIC/HIGH PVP XP/HIGH PVE XP Vanilla experience, please message me. Thanks.

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Breseis, Night Elf Priest (Back in the day)

I remember @kainzo and was also part of the guilds Zerostar, Masters of the Storm, Buccaneers of Azeroth, and Anduins Fist from 60-70!

People I remember:
Bagheera (AKA BAGGY)
Windrush (Rank 14 Hunter who pwnd PvP)

Going to be maining Rogue this go around!

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Greetings I used to play with Masters of the Storm as Winterbreeze a gnome mage. Hope to see some old friends

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I was Woolong, male NE rogue and Rasputin, male gnome mage.

Sabre - Paladin of Unrest then to Fallout and a brief stay in Disposable Heroes.

Would be great to hear from Wubanger, Knower, Sturm, Doncella, Noctris, Stumpee.


Guild name sounds familiar!

NE Hunter - Sidoni
Draenei Shaman (TBC) - Sydd

Hey! I know you!

It’s been so long, and I doubt any of these people still play but worth a shot. My name was Marksman and I was a dwarven hunter. I raided with Whackdonalds, Unrest, and late expansion Order of the Phoenix. My very first guild was a leveling guild callled Protectors of the Alliance.

I’m looking for a guy named Dan who played a human female mage named Jeanna, a gnome rogue named Semadael, and his girlfriend at the time was a priest named Larkspur.

If anyone remembers me, say hello!


I’ve seen Sturm a few times in random BGs. Stumpee, I haven’t heard that name in ages!

Vlos Drathir was the guild I raided with. Calim Prot warrior. Played in EO in cata, sup Yun.

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Mayo - Human Paladin. I was in Slayers of Darkness, Legendary (and Shadow Hunters before it was merged), and probably best known for being in Order of the Raven - and for being the Unofficial Official Mayor of Aggramar.

Still playing after all of these years, and still in/now leading Order of the Raven.


I was a Human mage named Snark then we transferred to Fizzcrank when wotlk came out. looking for a pally named ansgar

If ya find any of em, let me know. Played with ya guys as a holy pally (Aaron) and a DK (Mestitia) for years. Would be nice to see if more of them are still around.

I was in Canucks for a long time, raided Molten Core with you guys, Jarlin holy paladin!

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Zeezee - Human Rogue, Zyphor - Human Mage played with Dawn of Kaldorei, Rising Dynasty, Canucks.

Some familiar names. Zaniel, Sieben, Mesper, Mestara, Moonflower, Bloodwine, Brinaria, and tons of other cool people. Great memories!

Aaron! I remember you. I could probably get in touch with Crazysword and Lenore as well.

I also remember Toad, another Hpal of ours.

Hey, played as Varroy in Exalted Order and then Disposable Heroes, curious if anyone is still around!


Shoot me a friend request on bnet if ya want, and hopefully some more people show up before launch! MilesDeepInU#1447

Merena - Human Shadow Priest. I was in Shadow Hunters/Legendary mainly on my hunter Rhyana I was also in Fallout and then moved to Order of the Raven in BC.

Still super casually playing. Planning on probably going PVP server for Classic.

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