Agamaggan Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Agamaggan (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Looking for people from the Horde Guild “Damaged Incorporated” of Agamaggan. Guild leaders went by ‘Hunter’ and ‘Bunny’. My toons were,
lvl 40 Undead Rogue - ‘Vigilantibus’
lvl 62 Tauren Hunter - ‘Bridgemonkey’
lvl 70 Troll Shaman - ‘Renee’

Not sure who I would remember but I’ll post here anyway for anyone who remembers me.
Fido - Tauren Druid. Was in a bunch of different guilds: divine storm, voluntary manslaughter, made in tw, we crush nerds
Marked - Orc hunter
Also posted on the vanilla friend finder website

Gillywompis - Orc Hunter, looking for anyone from riders chat from back in the day!


Anyone around from Death Row?

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Tanga - Orc Rogue. Anyone from back in the MWS days!

Crossfade - Tauren Warrior - Main tank for Gummibears

I was Crossfade on Aggamaggan. Horde warrior. Played a long time with Death Row, and GummiBears as main tank. I’d love to add old friends to the friend list if you’re going to play classic!

Gummi bears farewell vid from back in the day

I played a Troll mage named Vivik for a little while on Aggamaggan, was a guild leader for a bit, made it to about level 42

Tanksalot/brbphone. I logged in for the first time since wrath during legion and still autojoined the riders channel.


Riders for life!


Rixen- Agga used to be in Crimson Mafia and Ðoomsday anyone who wants to link up from those two guild hit me up Rix#1249 and I can get you into a community group I set up.


Pokki- Undead Mage - Guild: Voluntary Manslaughter, Also looking for anyone who i used to pvp with back in the day.

Evilkraft - Troll Priest with Doomsday back in the day.


Roselock , Where ya at?


I think I remember you. I was Hairybasturd in Death Row.

Hadoken, Troll Shaman, HWL and Guild Leader of Anathema Sky. Calling all troops.



My name was Coen and I played as both alliance and horde on this server. I started off as a UD mage and later rerolled alliance.

I raided with a guild called Misanthropos here until it met an untimely end but had a great time with those guys. Also just had a great time with the community in general…

From Misanthropos I remember…

Sadistic, troll priest
Above, troll mage
Niko, tauren warrior
Shnek, tauren warrior
Freeballa, tauren warrior
Zoomie, orc warrior
Elips, tauren druid
Chaon, tauren druid

Wish I could remember more names but its been a long time…

I remember Lunchmoney and some a handful of other people from Vicious Cycle…

Anyway, hope all of you are doing well and it’d be cool to try and meet up some time.

My Main was Eagleeye a Tauren shaman and guild leader of DarkRage which became Omen. Omen got pretty big at one point till I disbanded one day as I was getting married soon and was not able to put as much time into it anymore. I hopped on my Warlock as Pytho and joined Gummiebears and raided with them for a while till I quit before my wedding in 07. Had a few other Alts but did not put as much time into them as those 2 characters. If you remember me hit me up, if you hated me. Sorry


Hey Agamaggan! Looking for old peeps to play classic with.

Orc Hunter
< Voluntary Manslaughter>
< Divine Storm >

Hah! Reporting in!

Hoober, Orc Warlock of Anathema Sky

Looking for all of the old Anathema Sky folks, but I also remember Jedik from Voluntary Manslaughter.


Drakath, undead warlock from Voluntary Manslaughter, and then a bit of Blatant Disregard near the end of vanilla.