Agamaggan Horde Reconnections

Woah Rasmir, crazy, it’s been forever. - Drakath

Stabsfast, field marshal gnome rogue In The angry carebears. Looking to see if any anathema sky players on horde are coming back


Dunno if anyone here used to play with a Zabitako. Thats-a-meeeee. I don’t really remember all the guilds I was a part of, so many. But Zabitako, Troll Hunter, had a pet named Death. A guild named All That Remains is what I remember.

Lmao okay I don’t remember you exactly but I DO remember Anathema Sky

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Undead male priest named Bonesy

Played in Divine Storm.

Looking for others!


Hey Drakath! :slight_smile: I remember you. How are ya?

Hey Bonesy!

<-- Rasmir

Hey Coen, I was actually in Misanthropes as well. I played as Niko, but later rolled a hunter named Whiterose. I still talk to most the people you named.

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Oh man. You’ve made my morning. I was really hoping one of you guys would see my post even if we don’t meet up to play together.

I will sound like a crazy person when I say this but you know what? Call me crazy. I never got over playing with Misanthropos on Aga. I kept trying to enjoy gaming after that… It had lost all flavor. I was like a hollow shell of a man. I got to down C’thun and I looked around and had nobody I felt much connection with to celebrate it with. I gquit and gave up raiding.

Seriously though, I had a lot of fun with you guys and if we meet up during classic that’d be great but if not I want to wish you guys all the best in whatever you’re doing now.

Ninjacom undead warrior, seeing if anyone from harem girls haven is playing.


Rixirik–> Tauren Hunter
Nokori–> Tauren druid
From Harem Girls Haven! :slight_smile:


Daunt-Mage-Voluntary Manslaughter-Horde

20 of us going to roll on Skeram reply here or find me in game!

Or add on blizz Jackflash#1329

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I don’t know you but I feel compelled to let anyone know, the only two servers that have been designated by the big streamers to be non-streamer servers are Thalnos and Fairbanks. Enjoy!

I remember you and the Omen raids

I love this! I was Arlenna then. I remember many of you, particularly Hadoken and Brbphone, and all those guild names! I was GM of Cottage Cheese Pirates for a while before I quit playing. Still in touch IRL with many of them. :):grin: Frobisher and I plan to play some Classic. Soooooo much nostalgia.


Played as Jangalang

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I hear thalnos is the brazlian server which creates a language barrier, also it seems some streamers, while I don’t know any, haven’t official stated their server because they want to reserve their name. Plus, streamers are just going to create pvp they don’t want. Sure they can gank with 100 people, but we can also hit up orgrimmar and rally 100 horde too.

Myx, NE Druid, Disbanded. Lots of memories in this thread!


I do remember the name Hairybasturd. I also remember Dustoff.

Hi Myx and Arlenna!

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