Agamaggan Alliance Reconnections

Yo Jhelom! Its Thurr!

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I was in Venture Co Mercenaries as well towards the end of classic and the beginning of BC. I had a human paladin named “InvaderKim” and a Night Elf Hunter named “Blueforce”.

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Dang I remember!! I was in Empire Legacy and also was in pvp guild when I went for commander.

woah I remember those times! All those people, the good times. Are you guys playing classic?

Hey little bud bud

i will gank you all


I am. Tom (angryfox) has joined the military since then and is living and stationed in Japan. We’ve tried to make it work but our play times are just way too different sadly. I’ll be playing with the asky folks on skeram alliance

Really, playing alliance? Figured they would play horde. Are you guys doing PvP again?

Juanpaco, gnome rogue

Good memories from this server. Made a lot of friends, and probably a few enemies.

Jhelom!!! Its Hordan!

I remember Tadpol… what was the mage he dated?? Allison?

LOTH was great so many awesome memories going through vanilla and TBC.

Im rolling horde with friends on Mankrik. you guys should join us!

Trivies is going to play again with me.

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Elpay! I remember you dude. You were a druid right???

Andorya Night Elf Rogue

Alliance- Onslaught

PvPed a lot with my roomate Astarta the Druid.

Bruh its Andorya… were playing on Thalnos

Help! Looking for Mr. Muryn!

Timebombs Night Elf Hunter

Can’t remember the name of our guild. Think the tabbard had a tree on it. Looking for a good friend named osterburg who rolled a death night during WOLK. Played with a druid named Dez. Can anyone help me out?

Oh wow, having a lot of memories scrolling through this thread.

Nisse - Gnome Warlock
GreatestGuild and maybe something before and after?

Hahaha nice man, i unfortunately do not remember you :frowning: but hey brother!

Renarrd Human Pally in Imperil mean anything to you? You sound familiar

Imperil folks HMU
Human Retardin

I remember playing with the same folks and maybe you from when I was thirteen…

<Renarrd Imperil