Gadam, Gnome Rogue/Minifear, Gnome Warlock/Fathertom, Dwarf Priest, were the Toons I played. for the majority of the time I was in Orc splitters, and eventually More cowbell. I believe some sort of merged occurred.
Last time I talked to doubtful was midway through Lich King, same with Lunchmoney, they both quit shortly after Ulduar was cleared.
This may be a long shot but when I first came to WoW from Starwars galaxies I came with a the guild I was playing with “Foundation Stone” or FS dont remember what name we got in wow but I have always wanted to reconnect with those guys
Reel, Sixav, Jadyn
Frenziedhunt: hunter
Frostydeath: mage
Co-GM: Army of Doom
Raider: Murggurguguglglgg
Wally, gnome mage
Menethil Shadowstep Clan and SOD
Looking for some old guildies
This is Emokidd, the NE rogue. Pretty crazy how many people from AI are on here. Fun times even in TBC.
You got anymore screenshots? These are awesome.
I was in FS, not really in touch with anyone else from those days.
were you the other tank with us? sorry i dont remember you too well. hope i can fall into a guild like i did last time lol.
Yes I was! We did all of ZG and Molten Core together
I had considered creating OSL in Classic if even for a placeholder just in case. I might just do that if you don’t. And just to make it official I’ll use the correct form with the capital I and O instead of the 101: Orc Splitters Local IOI
Have to be authentic!
What server are you playing on? Hadoken you’re playing with Stabsfast on the same server?
Yeah we’re playing together with a handful of others as well. We are going on skeram alliance
Cool, I was thinking of either playing priest or warrior do we have too many or no one playing either of those? Also have a discord or should we add each others battle tag?
My battletag is angryfrog#1255
Hadokens is hadoken#1456
He is able to invite to a community chat and will know more about a discord channel. I’m at work atm.
what server you guyz playing
Lodrik - Human Paladin (Oblivion)
Derik - Human Warrior (Oblivion / Pyre - Blackwing Lair server)
Have 2 other friends with me, join us!!
Coen! Booyah! It’s been far too long. I played a night elf rogue in Last Ascension, named Cramer. (Then I played an undead priest when we rerolled horde) I tried to track down Shylar and Vexed a few months ago, I found their characters, they were 110 and inactive. It would be awesome to get the gang back together!
omg Allanth <3
Thurr from Clarity too! Hiya!