Afterlives: Revendreth

I can’t wait to watch the heads explode when this turns out to be true.

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I’m all for redeeming Arthas, my boi got manipulated into being what he was. He deserves Revendreth, not the Maw.

Garrosh I sorta just want to wave at and say “Oh hey nice to see you enjoy your time in vampire land” and then never see him again

  1. Garrosh did nothing wrong.
  2. A thousand thousand Ven’thyr shall be purged for then atrocity, then a thousand thousand more.

Not every villain has to be redeemed, and it’s a trend in media I personally don’t enjoy. Especially in a day and age where some pretty awful people get to do whatever they feel like.

I can’t even log on and crack the skull of the local fascist anymore because he was sad once and that makes him a real person. Some people are jerks. Just throw them in jail and move on.


I eagerly await the time where we pull Arthas from the Maw and take him before the Arbiter, who then judges him back to the Maw anyways.


Arthas was legit mind controlled into evil though. D: He’s a victim!

arthas chose to scuttle his men’s boats and damn them to northrend. even if you choose to believe that once he picks up frostmourne he’s fully mind-controlled (and thus not at all culpable for the things he did afterwards) he’s not innocent. he knowingly took up the cursed blade, and he did bad things to get to that point.


Yeah but not irredeemably bad, just extreme. Tis why I reckon he deserves Revendreth. I’d have actually placed Garrosh as the worse of the two in terms of personal evil morality.

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but it worked.
he got the kill on mal’ganis and pushed the scourge back to save his men.
then he left…came back and turned them all

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We’ll compromise and send them both to the maw.

Revendreth for all! The Maw is for the irredeemable, but some can still be redeemed!

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this is the right path

Isn’t the maw supposed to be a holding cell for people who are an active threat to the Shadowlands, not a place you send people to punish them?

My understanding was the Maw = totally beyond redemption and must never be allowed to escape. Revendreth = small chance of becoming an actually decent person. Maybe. After a long time of suffering.

It’s like different levels of hell, I guess.


Let’s pull back on this one. This phrase has some extremely bad origins.


This would be fantastic if it is.

Yeah, I don’t like Doja Cat either. :angry:


It’s literally a racist dogwhistle in the US.


Why are you like this.

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