like no gear rewards or anything .
sometimes i do for fun but it gets old fast.
anyone else feeling the burn?
like no gear rewards or anything .
sometimes i do for fun but it gets old fast.
anyone else feeling the burn?
I’ll be HWL next week and I will probably q up occasionally with fun or if any guildies want to grind out rank I’ll join them, but I’ll certainly enjoy not needing to play so many games.
SoD PvP is ok, but I miss the pace of OG classic PvP tbh.
ya i mean it just doesnt feel fun anymore .
i want to DESTROY THE ALLIANCE but bleh its just not fun now .
I havent premade at all. But the queues seen to be terrible for single queues. Is it better to premade? for faster queues?
It’s pretty much the same, sometimes even faster.
it is the holidays and people have been 14 for a week now.
i dont know its not fun to beat up on toddlers (which is what premading vs pugs boils down to).
yeah, but 20 min queues is killing my urge to bg. If I could queue from anywhere I think i would be ok with it. I would farm or world pvp in between queues. But standing around in town is uber boring.
I feel the same way, I always get the urge to PVP then after playing one AB game im done. Going into ally pugs is hell. Most of the people dodge the best part of AB, The initial BS fight. It pisses me off. Lately when I get the urge to PVP I just play LoL
it kinda feels like the alliance just dont want to actually pvp at all its weird.
I got my r14 a few weeks ago, have 0 desire to queue again without getting STV offpieces, the only people doing blood moon are horde (usually only 2 groups) so we just get dogpiled and then they trade kills next to the gy. I got like 3 silver coins across 2 blood moons and just no chance I go back.
Don’t really want to queue again as a solo warrior either, not until tank shaman gets addressed at the very least.
I cant believe they havent come up with an easy fix. Like disabling the tank runes in pvp.
If they actually cared, literally even the slightest, about using this as a testing ground for real classic+ they should be doing weekly tuning to try things and see where the numbers need to be. The tanks specs would’ve been sorted out a year ago.
I agree. Such a shame cuz they have something good here… it could be better, much better. =(
At this point I’d be happy with a fresh where they just only give the QoL runes victory rush as an example (not warbringer or AT MOST charge in combat), tank runes, that kind of thing and disable all runes in pvp combat.
Anything more than that is asking for too much from these wannabe devs.
That’s what happens. You either go again or stop.
They stopped bringing that up for a reason
Not enjoyable to play against shamans in their current state.
Ever heard of the concept of fun?
If you don’t pvp for the fun alone, you really aren’t a pvper.
No fun to be had in current gamestate. Maybe if you’re playing sham, boomie, hunter, or rogue?
It wasn’t fun in tbc to queue arena into rm and spend the entire game sitting in cc. It’s actually somehow less fun to play sod bgs where, while I atleast have control of my character, I feel like I’m fighting a raid boss when I fight certain classes/builds that have been allowed to be broken for months at this point.