This 100%. It just seems that blizzard can’t get it right. They fix something only to mess something else up and make it op. Retail is a perfect example; They go through phases of each class being OP and never just good enough. Its either OP or not. lol
It’s not weird at all when the majority of players in SoD is gamerdads that wants instant gratification and has 15 minutes to spare before the next diaper change. 30% of Alliance players are afk after first defeat making the rest of the players discouraged.
The biggest issue in WoW classic/SoD alongside with class balance is the old playerbase. A bigger group of whiny quitters in PvP is hard to find
Yesterday i did bloodmoon after a decade without pvp. I was doing like 0 damage to a resto shaman while doing great vs other classes including other paladins.
Can’t imagine the state of bgs right now.
Grats dude. You rolled a shaman. You won. You can flame shock and heal yourself. No on gives a crap about pvp because of people like you. Now go press 2 buttons on your tank shaman! Lmfao!
heh , i dont run the obviously op tank spec and even in ele my heals from riptide heal for nothing.
i dont feel bad at all with the things ive advocated for cause they were informed by actual play and research and lots of thought behind it instead of knee jerk over reactions to obviously fake hyperbole and way over estimation of any class i go agaisnt.
maybe i should say grats to you for having something to cry about on the internet .
im sure it entertains you as much as debating about balance does for me.
You blasted out rank 14 on two characters in a very short time.
Of course you’re going to be bored. You had an ultra dopamine drip and now its dried up.
This is either a troll post or a brag post. Not sure what one.
not meant to be either.
just sad that the entertainment dried up .
ahh well .
Thats because they pooped on pvp’rs again and the pvp gear is trash in comparison to pve
WSG doesnt pop and AV is a speed run where horde always wins since they start 35% further up than alliance. Which leaves AB where being super tanky with unlimited mana(shaman) makes it easy to defend flags and win attrition when pushing flags. Horde is OP, shamans are giga busted
roughly how long does it take to hit the weekly cap and how many weeks does the rank 14 grind take with no decay?
6 weeks, I believe.
9 weeks from 0 last I checked, weekly cap is never 500k if you do 0->14 in one go, I think I was averaging 100-150k/6-7 hour session as alliance losing every AV outside of AV weekends.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The way to keep BGs and events like BM more relevant after most people got their gear/mounts is to have a way to make gold + some raid benefits like consumes, unique enchants, and a new world buff purchasable via Blood or Marks of Honor. If you did this BGs / BM would constantly be busy with more geared players doing them indefinitely.
You can sorta kinda do this already making gold with Bijous in Blood Moon, but its not nearly enough IMO.
Yeah that would have been a good idea. I don’t see a need for R14 on my Feral so I haven’t been back to AB since R13. Would be back if it was a viable gold maker, it isn’t a un-fun time I just don’t like BGing for literally nothing
Yeah, once I saw the weaps were lack luster. I gave up on my rogue. I will try and hit 13 on my mage and eventually shaman. Not worth pushing r14, if you raid if you dont its worth it for melee at least.
I quit at R 12, the break points killed my desire. 3-4 weeks of days of grinding losses in AB is too much pain. and no progress if you miss just sux…
which leads to longer queues and players give up after they get their bribes for losing.
and premades from taiwan don’t help…
We should form raids and go to SW or something.
really if they got rid of dishonorable kills and made substantial rewards for city raids … well it would be awesome.
sounds like OP is just not that into pvp.