After so many years, High Elf* time!

Why does everything have to be an all or nothing? You can still root for a game and its devs. While still disliking alot of their practices/their gameplay decisions.

Yea I’m salty. About as salty as you guys would be if nightborne were a 1:1 copy paste of night elves - vines and everything included and Horde would still cry that it’s just nooot enooough “gIvE uS bLaCK hAiR aNd GrEeN eYes”.

But anyway, not your fault Blizz likes quick fixes rather than looking at the big picture. You have fun (with your walmart belves)!


what are you talking about? this expansion is going from trash to class with 1 change. that’s worth celebrating imo

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there ya go, you’re learning!

so, that’s the EVENT, and thus they are DIFFERENT than Stormwind humans.


Drinking felblood = event, orcs DIFFERENT than Mag’har
Blessed by Malorn = event, High Mountain Tauren different than regular Tauren
Blessed by Naruu = event, Lightforged different than regular draenai
Blessed by Loa = event, Zandalari different than Darkspear
Corrupted by nexus-prince = event, Void Elves different than blood elves

I can keep going if you want


There are four… FOUR playable elf races. We don’t need anymore

I’m just going to say:


At least you weren’t called a dingus.

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Void elves didn’t get their customization pass yet. I would love tiara hairstyles for them too. Let’s keep the hope up :slight_smile:

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I gotta be honest, the tendrils don’t really look that great and I’m pretty pro Void customizations. I’m not really sure what they could do to make them look better either. Maybe have them wiggle idk, they just don’t sell “Void” to me and are just awkward.

I would give a massive amount of zero f’s. I’m over here waiting for Horde to get a copy/paste of Draenei so I can play my favorite race on either faction. :woman_shrugging:


better than being K mart high elves.


The Alliance always had a justified claim for the High Elves. That’s the thing. It was never an outlandish request, especially if you have followed the lore. I am sorry if you feel bad about the situation but the Alliance needs any help they can get, even if it means that some Horde-players swap over to them.


That is not an “event” because the devs. have literally said Kul Tiran humans and Stormwind ones are the same. They are not different races.

If say a Stormwind human and a Kul Tiran human were to get marry and have kids. Their parent wont consider them a different species. They would be the same race, human.

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What? High elves officially left the Alliance before Blood elves even existed, how is being Alliance a defining characteristic of being a High elf? A majority of existing High elves didn’t even join the Alliance and remained neutral, and the exiled High elves isolated themselves in lodges, refusing to associate with any faction. We didn’t see a single Alliance High elf military force throughout the entirety of BFA either, an expansion centered on the faction conflict.

Also, if you mouse over Void elves in the character creation screen it clearly says that Void elves were transformed by the void, while Blood elves are described as the high elf Survivors of Arthas’ attack on Quel’thalas. Which is why Void elves bleed purple blood, and why Blood elves bleed like any other natural-born Thalassian elf.


I dunno why everyone seems to think that Alliance High Elves aren’t High Elves unless Horde approve of that designation. Who cares what the Horde thinks


How many times do I have to keep repeating this? NOT ALL OF THEM LEFT. Those that are still flying the high elf colors now are generally those elves who always considered themselves part of the Alliance, even with the official departure of Silvermoon.

Every void elf now was once a high elf or a blood elves. They have as much claim to the high elf legacy as anyone else.

you’re going backwards. Go the other way.

all the different elves are elves. All the different humans are humans. All the different trolls are trolls.

now reduce your scale of resolution and start to differentiate the reason why there are many types of elves, humans, trolls, etc.

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That’s not the point, more than 90% of the High elves left the Alliance, the fact that a small portion of them remained doesn’t make being Alliance a “Defining” characteristic of theirs. That doesn’t even begin to make sense.

The only ones I’ve seen flying the High elf colors are remained neutral with Dalaran, and haven’t fought against the Horde in the faction conflict.


It’s simply thoughtless to cater to one part of the playerbase by taking race uniqueness from another. I’m not really blaming the people who want high elves (though I do think there has been a tad too much whining going on), but Blizzard.

They could’ve just made blood elves a model both factions get from the beginning, called the horde ones blood elves and the alliance ones high elves. That way it wouldn’t have felt bad to anyone. Instead they’re now just taking horde things and putting them into alliance in a sad attempt to reestablish faction balance (which won’t happen regardless cause top guilds don’t switch back to Alliance cause they can play a blond velf)


And again, as mentioned by the LORE HEAD himself. The characters don’t care or even think about said distinction.


high elves/blood elves are like taiwan and china, every one claiming to be the real china, blood elves decided to stop calling themselves high elves yet high elves left silvermoon, bob purged them from silvermoon, rejoined the alliance and keep calling themselves high elves not that hard to understand

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