After so many years, High Elf* time!

Truth hurts, I know.

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Wonder if they would argue that Wildhammer Dwarves aren’t playable due to the Dwarves we create being Bronzebeard. Or that the Farraki aren’t playable since we create a Darkspear troll :thinking:

It’s pretty obvious Blizzards intention with this is to allow Alliance players to RP High Elves if they want to. Not to mention High Elves have been apart of the faction for years now so it’s not even a stretch.


Maybe you’re right …
But in your case even make up wouldn’t help :slight_smile:


Elves always change with magic. See - Night Elves (changed from dark trolls with the well of eternity.) High Elves ( changed from Night Elves with the sunwell.) Blood Elves (glowing green eyes because of fel magic.) Fel Blood Elves (Even moar fel magic.) Nightborne (… The well of eternity, again? This one doesn’t make a lot of sense.) Fel Dorei (Spider Elves.) Demon Hunters. Void Elves. etc. etc.

dude, i wish I had your level of ignorance. You just think because you say something its a fact? Too bad bro.

its canon that void-elves are void-elves due to corruption. People dont become void-people because they STUDY the void. As stated earlier, every race IN THE GAME has individuals studying or screwing around with void. I guess everyone on the Twilight Council was a void-elf, void-human, void-tauren, void-gnome, etc right?

yeah because getting corrupted by a dark naruu (void) and the nexus-prince (void) is oh soooo different. Keep relying on Alleria as a cop-out when the devs have INTENTIONALLY NOT added many details concerning her power, or what she even is at this point. Her details will be added in 10.0. Keep leaning on characters that haven’t been fleshed out bro.

the event was marriage you dingus.

Except, where in literally every expansion they do…: HEs canonically hate BEs and have been shown to never get along to the point of juvenile pranks and even violence between the Silver covenant and Blood Elves and specifically Sunreavers, Tyrande disliking Nightborne as a continuation of Highborne culture which NEs forsook, humans have for years demonized undead for being undead even the more human ones, Garrosh hating his father and all the others who followed him for drinking Fel blood (Maghar vs non-Maghar), etc…

But the BE/HE vitriol is especially funny since they’re 90% visually and physically similar enough that after the 2nd war several HEs moved back into Sin’dorei society after abandoning the Alliance…

Just make sure to not cast a spell without the precious macro that can keep the illusion that you’re not playing what you’re playing (dispelling enthropic embrace), and I guess you can keep feeding your own denial.

According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available."

I’m sorry the truth is hurting you.


Because that has been our argument since the beginning? Whether or not Dalaran/Silver Covenant High elves were joining the Alliance in the faction conflict? Please at least, try to keep up.

It’s about as relevant as pointing out that Silver Covenant High elves were residing on the Argent grounds in the first place. You know, neutral grounds. The point remains that Silver Covenant High elves are only ever involved in neutral occasions.

It doesn’t hurt me, because I knew since 2012, from a response during round 3 of AskCdev, that blood elves would get the option that made sense for them since the end of TBC :woman_shrugging:

If anyone was hurt by that happening, though, it was you guys, not me.


I’m not I wanted jet black instead they give us 3 blondes for what ?!?


The only shame to adding more options, such as these, is that they haven’t added anymore VOID themed attributes to void elves. It would be nice to see some more void elf options. Tattoos would be neat, but I really like the thought of more gothic customization across the board with these ones.

Glad they’re reaching for more Quel’dorei themed options, though. Helps those players who really want to RP their “High Elf” fantasy. :slight_smile:


Except Danuser confirmed the existence of Blue eyed Blood elves in Shadowlands, while the existence of fair skinned, blue eyed Void elves is still up in the air. Heck they even added a blue eyed elf mage trainer in org. Whether or not they were making these options available to players is another point entirely.

Chances are that blue eyes were most likely slated for Shadowlands, and when the Alliance cried they decided to give both sides the options instead.

The wish has finally been fulfilled!

Now the fun begins…

We need to start flooding the forums with broken and tuskar threads now :smiley:

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You’re literally here just trying to hurt peoples feelings. :rofl:

Guess what. Those people are gonna be playing High Elves.


Belly drum bois

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Thats why i said that comment was too stupid to address.

Literally one of the DRIVING FORCES behind the WAR in WARCRAFT is the racial distinctions. Like, its so simple we even understood it as pre-teens during WC3 days (or even before).

Now he tries to say racial distinctions don’t exist in a game about factions, races, racial leaders, vengeance and vendettas between the races etc

what a joke.

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I wish Blizz would of made all the new hair colors have tendrils regardless of style .

Sorry but I’ll keep my Blueberry Elf as she is .


You forgot a couple of important steps :slight_smile:

If your feelings are hurt over me mentioning that high elves have been playable for 15 years, that’s a you issue.

There has been people playing high elves who honor their fallen for 15 years :woman_shrugging: