After so many years, High Elf* time!

They dont think about races/discuss them in the manner we are talking about. Therefore they dont care about this particular semantic arguement.


I guess “racial uniqueness” is one part of the game the Horde will have to learn to live with not completely dominating in every way.


Shhhh, they already took out the Void Echo… don’t remind them of our classy British accents, or they’ll take that too!


You know what occurred to me?.. The Blood elves have 2 blue hair colors that were meant for high elves… :thinking:

Kind of wondering why we haven’t gotten those yet since they will fit in seemlessly with Void elves. (and before anybody tells me, Velf blue hair ≠ Belf Blue hair

oh races don’t refer to other races by their racial name? A regular orc wont refer to a Mag’har orc as such? A blood elf won’t refer to a Night Elf as such?

well you’ve now just lost all sense of credibility lol. You coulda just accept your defeat, but going down this road is an act of self-defense.

still waiting for that quote from the narrative lead.

Honestly, all they really need to do to fix that is make anyone with a natural skin color mouseover as High Elf instead of Void Elf.

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The only High elves that were removed from Silvermoon were the high elves of Quel’lithien lodge, and they did not return to the alliance, they isolated themselves at a lodge and refused to associate with any faction.

The remaining High elves did not “rejoin” the Alliance, they were the small fraction that didn’t leave with 90% of the other High elves, and a majority of that small fraction simply remained with the neutral state of Dalaran, still not associating themselves with the Alliance or faction conflict.

Not hard to understand at all.

Uh tossed out the traditions of High elves?

Blood elves are the only ones keeping the high elf traditions alive, it’s Alliance High elves who’ve tossed out their traditions as high elves, adopting humancentric traditions instead. Blood elves still live in their ancestral home, they still reside over the Sunwell, they wear High elven clothes, honor their high elven ancestors, heck the Blood elf heritage quest literally turns you into a High elf.

“alliance high elves” wear human clothes, speak common, have children with humans. Even Elisande points this out, saying they are undeserving of the name “high elf”

The Silver Covenant is a neutral organization that only gets involved if Dalaran is involved. Tell me where the Silver Covenant was during the entirety of BFA? You know when the Alliance started recruiting farmers to fill in their ranks?

And didn’t the Silver Covenant return to Quel’thalas and help the blood elves fight the amani? Which is literally the only time they operated independently of Dalaran?


or just release high elves as a playable race?

people seem to think im against it, im not

i just dont want morons to push this crap that VEs = HEs out of desperation.

Finally :heart::heart::heart: So happy … :heart::heart: High elf !!!


I’m okay with it as long as you still have to have tentacle hair. Blood elves will still look the most like high elves.

It’s as much a victory for players seeking to play Alliance High Elves as getting Wildhammer options for standard Dwarves was for players who wanted to play Wildhammer Dwarves. It’s really up to the individual to decide if their desires are met by these RP tools. If a player is happy to have these options, then that’s a victory for that player.


Actually, the Void Elf creation screen does, it states we’re part of Umbric’s exploration and research team that was banished and then Voided.

Creation screen description

Seeking to harness the corruptive magic of the Void, these outcast elves endured an unexpected transformation. They are determined to master their newfound powers and resist the whispers eager to lure them into madness.

The BE/HEs learning from Locus walker are also likely banished as well, but the part about “unexpected transformation” cannot possibly be referring to the new Elves…


Unfortunately for you, Void Elves have always had some hairstyles without tentacles, and a blue post has said that a toggle for the styles that currently have tentacles is forthcoming so that the tentacles may be removed.


Yes, and??

/looks at XRP. :smirk:

Oh no, it’s not like i can use suspension of disbelief… What a horrible night to have a curse. /s :roll_eyes:

If void elves get our hairstyles, too, then void elves will have more customizations than their parent race, which disgusts me to no end. At least you’re still stuck being called void elves, and we still hVe Quel’Thalas, so neeners.


Except Blood elves were introduced to the game as “High elves” by the devs multiple times. We even had a Blood elf with their original High elf appearance in the Burning Crusade.

In that Suramar cinematic Elisande is basically saying that they’re anything but High elves, and the fact that they use that title is laughable. And besides that point they’re not even Alliance during that cinematic, they’re still neutral with Dalaran.


I am not happy. I wanted pure white or black.Not three blondes! Why three? :rofl:

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they’re called casuals.

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They wanted to release “Legally Blonde” for Void Elves now.

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