People can and ARE running ALL of that old content all the time.
The game has global scaling of everything, and it all remains active.
Here, all content older than the newest patch is ‘effectively dead’.
Even the current patch, open world zones are mostly dead. Already this early in the expac - they’ve half cleared out anywhere away from that day’s world quests. By 9.1 they will be essentially empty.
I remember just running around getting the shrines in The first elswyr Zone and it took a long time. Also mount riding speed if you are maxed in eso is way faster.
I would equate max level riding speed and The skill line ability that increases riding speed to flying speed in wow.
LOL, “effectively dead”, did you completely miss out on the release of chromie time??
I have seen more players running around in BFA than I see in the “open world” of ESO’s elswyr and that’s in large part due to the constant (and worse) phasing that happens because of the megaservers load capacity.
Either you don’t play ESO regularly or you’re just a fanboy. After years of playing the game, there is NO reason to go back to older zones you’ve completed except to farm motifs, achievements, or crafting mats OR to help a friend complete content.
Dang, I actually really enjoyed its combat system. It was better before things were balanced on a stam/mana basis. My 1st character in the beta was a 2h Stormcaller. I had a lot of fun with Charge -> Uppercut -> Mages Fury and since they were so low by that point it detonated.
Nope, disagree. The amount of detail/content they pack into the zones is comparable. The only difference is WoW definitely has more mobs roaming around less Bastion which is comparable to mob density in ESO’s zones.
I found the combat in ESO to be one of the worse I have tried for a MMO. Not to mention the zones felt extremely dead and the content not challenging what so ever. Everything scales to your level so I ended up just 1 shotting everything.
I also got bored from the lack of skills. I unlocked everything early while leveling so the feeling of unlocking new ones as I leveled was gone. To me ESO felt like the ultimate single player MMO and while I do like to do single player stuff it was just to much.
I feel like you and I are playing different games. Having just bought ESO, I’m finding a lot of the older zones extremely populated, moreso than I am in WoW.
And this isn’t really to say that one is better than the other for it, but ESO has a very different approach to its content than WoW does, and that’s okay. ESO revels in an open world, wherein WoW is more focused on instanced content. The world serves as a means to emphasize mechanics rather than being a world to explore and lose yourself in, but because it does that, WoW essentially alienates its older zones in exchange for a tight-knit focus on endgame progression.
You keep saying open world, every single zone has a loading screen even the vanilla zones…you can’t openly traverse across anything.
Even taking a Silt Rider in Morrowind takes you to a loading screen something that they could have animated like Boralus ships to get across the city. Like I said, I’ve played nearly all content ESO has to offer and WoW offers the better value for your money. The zones have become considerably smaller in ESO yet we’re paying the same amount still for newer chapters…it’s crazy.
edit: even entering a home you encounter a loading screen. you’re in a village and step into a pub, poof loading screen. Hows that open??
LOL WoW zones are designed to make you run over every inch to hide the fact they are tiny
This is why they don’t launch with flying anymore, pathfinder is essentially a catch-up mechanism. All those cliffs in the zones? Clever time gating.
Take a look for yourself cant find one with SL, but if I was a betting man I’d say MoP was significantly larger than SL
LOL ESO doesn’t even have flying to begin with because if you could fly, you’d fly BLIND from how low the visibility threshold is and that perpetual fog 10 feet from your characters FOV.
You’d also notice the terrible LOD distance and how small the chapter’s zone actually is.
Yeah this isn’t entirely the whole story though is it? There is a lot more to ESO than to WoW. Once you’ve done the quests in the new content then there’s nothing much left to WoW. ESO though gives a ton of content other than the new zone quests and much of it is replayable.
For example, I spend a lot of time doing Larceny Quests for the Thieves Guild (which are timed and also depend on you not getting caught, so skill is involved), Sacraments for the Brotherhood, working on housing, crafting (which is awesome in ESO, unlike WoW), doing the Undaunted Pledges, Fighter’s Guild Bounties, dailies in the various zones (stuff that is actually worth doing), Cyrodiil quests, PvP quests (Battle, Bounty, Conquest, Scouting, Warftont, and ES Missions), just PvP’ing which is fun in ESO, Mages Guild dailies, collecting Antiquities, etc.
With WoW once you finish the quests and hit their time gate about the only thing left is running dungeons, raids, and PvP. That’s about it. There is no comparison, you get a LOT more bang for your buck with ESO.
ESO is a really good game, but it falls short in two critical aspects that keep it from being great. The major one is combat. The second is no central auction house. The second can be managed with addons and joining of trade guilds. The first is a ZOS (ESO devs) issue. And they will not fix it.