I’m not sure why you’re going on about Tindral. Class stacking has always been a thing. Was replying to Bheeler.
Because this is the fight that’s breaking things right now.
Not to this extent, this late in a tier. The closest we’ve ever had to this was the shivara fight at the end of antorus being anti melee but that thing died in 2 hours. Guilds have been up against Tindral for 3+ weeks.
Perhaps, but the mythical time period that Bheeler is referring to as far as I’m concerned does not exist in the history of wow.
There’s never been no requirement sure, but there’s been times when that requirement was significantly lesser. With bliz bringing back raid buffs we’re currently at.
Add to that a fight that needs 8 melee, huge amounts of uncapped mass AoE, and exceptional execution / raid consistency you can see how people are finally reaching their limit.
We have two of our moonkins playing feral for the first time ever just to try and meet the requirements for this fight.
too many raid buffs but without them how to “guarantee” a spot?
Oh, and does hunter count with their new mark thing?
Completely forgot about that one yes. Add that to the list so 13 locked in spots not including second Evoker due to the potency of double aug.
Honestly the 13 locked in spots wouldn’t be as problematic if fights stayed flexible in what you could bring to them after that. Having a fight be max 6 ranged but still needing a lock, a mage, a hunter, and at least 1 Evoker you can see how things are getting a little ridiculous.
I know you don’t do the content and I know you like being a contrarian / responding to every comment on the topic with “Get good” but when guilds with multiple expansions of HoF performances are saying this is too much, it’s probably too much.
Is it a good idea to stack melee Tindral beyond 8?
Given you also need to bring a hunter, a mage, a warlock, and two evokers for raid buffs I’m not sure how you’d try (And ideally another hunter for master’s call). More to the point guilds don’t have 8 melee readily at their disposal, let alone more. Our moonkins have had to spec feral for the first time in their lives just to have a comp capable of killing this boss.
Is this one of the few fights ever where melee is needed instead of always bringing as few melee as necessary?
There’s been others, but usually it does swing towards ranged yes. It also means nobody’s roster was realistically prepared for this, most are pretty comfortable on the 2/5/9/4 split or something similar.
I think for this tier the first 6 bosses are well tuned, Smolderon is tuned properly post nerf, and Tindral/Fyrakk are nonsense that need to be nerfed into the ground.
I think a solid argument can be made that the era when the game supported 10-man raiding was pretty accessible. Not every 10-man raid group or PuG went on to earn Cutting Edge or stuff like that, but there was certainly a lot of activity going on.
Even Wrath had a lot going on on - beyond Naxx being extremely easy to get into, with the “harder” stuff being optional extras like The Immortal, Sarth and Ulduar all had optional hard modes which meant a lot of players did go in and at least experience a lot of the content without too many barriers in the way. Even stuff like Firelands, Dragon Soul, Mists, you had a lot of people wanting to step toes in, as well as content that involved the raids.
We also DID have a time where they tried to ensure no raid buff was “unique”, in the name of ensuring some interchangability to comps. Sure, you needed some source of Replenishment, but when your options included 6 or more specs, and your options for the Armour debuff included 4 or so more, you weren’t nearly as constrained.
Having been there for the transition to 20-man Mythic, I think it’s a very valid argument that the Mythic raid mode and its 20-man requirement itself has helped contribute one of the biggest barriers for people wanting to step up into the challenge. And there’s lots of commentary about the changes they’ve been making over the years, including fight designs that really need WeakAuras but they’re trying to block WeakAuras, comp requirements, the addition of Aug, their attitude to raid buffs, all of which are making it harder for guilds.
It also doesn’t help that the nature of recruitment is unsustainable. You need to keep progressing further or you bleed out, but that process is often cannibalising guilds to feed the ones that are progressing, and as you progress you’re expected to accelerate progress to keep up.
G’Huun, Carapace of Nzoth (Warlock gates)
They need to rebrand the WFR before addressing Mythic raiding.
Its not a race, its two corporations streaming and competing against each other. I mean, when your guild is an esports corporation wirh an HR. You’re not a guild, you’re corporation. I digress though, Mythic raiding is approachable. I did it in WoD and Some of legion. The rest is typically 3-4 bosses pugged a season now. Its a stupid time sink when some bosses take 100+ wipes, with some mechanics more punishing than OSRS Zuk waves. Which is saying something.