After playing Hades 2 I realized

Despite the ambient music of WoW usually being pretty melodic and enchanting, why in 20 years have we never had a boss fight with some kind of music in it?

In Hades 2 the second boss is a trio of sirens that sing while you fight them, it’s very fun and immersive and easily one of the cooler boss fights.

So make a boss fight that starts ripping some Doom music when combat starts, that would be badass.


Off topic, but Super Giant Games (the studio making Hades 2) always does an amazing job with their soundtracks. I’ve even bought a couple just to toss them some extra money because they are so good.


Who would hear it? Most of the time people are yelling at each other over voice chat when they’re fighting bosses.

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Sindragosa is the only boss with its actual boss theme and I remember this fight more than the LK fight itself for that reason alone, this game is lacking in that department.

Since forever.

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Who’s going to hear it? You have GTFO, DBM, and people in discord blasting

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wow players who raid seriously typically turn volume way down.

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FF14 and Destiny 2 are really good at boss music. Destiny 2 is crazy in that the theme will shift based on the phase of the fight, like playing the Guardians theme during heavy DPS phases as a counter to the bosses theme:

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Sadly WoW isn’t one of those games where they practically have the music be a reward. Its just there. Like a fart trapped in a mitten. Ain’t nobody want it there and nobody wants to let the gas out because of the smell.

I’ve been freaking spoiled with games like Billie Bust Up, Bloodborne, or Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.


Because it’s aiming for background ambience even for boss fights. Pretty simple really. Catchy theme songs or general combat music are the opposite of immersive.

And that’s fine. But it’s also fine that WoW doesn’t go for them and I’m kind of tired of it coming up.

WoW is not a Roguelike nor is it a JRPG. It doesn’t have to imitate those games.

One of the things I prefer in FFXIV over WoW is the music overall, especially the vocal tracks. WoW’s OST does have bangers of course, but the boss songs in FFXIV like In The Balance and Dedicated To Moonlight, where they make them catchy but relevant to lore (like DtM being a folk song for the Keepers of the Moon) are so good.

The one song that got close to that feeling for me in WoW was Daughter of the Sea.

ETA to add: In The Balance is amazing for me, whose WoL is from Ul’dah and has Nald’thal as their patron deity, just to be a nerd for a moment :joy:

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There’s literally nothing immersive about WoW raid music, rofl.

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Yeah but at the same time I think its stupid I have to resort to playing my own music because the game is making my brain crave new sounds


I was thinking of more like in dungeons than raids, most raiders would in fact have music off, and dbm, gtfo, and disc chat running.

It doesn’t actively pull you out though. Theme Songs do.

What your favorite from bloodborne? Mine is a tie between old hunter and Laurence the first vicar, i also like regular cleric beast but Laurence just takes that up so many notches.

Hard disagree. The one I posted above from Destiny pulls you in during theme shifts as the crescendo builds. The FF14 themes frequently are tied to the story being told. WoW is just there and does nothing.

There’s a reason why people frequently just have the music turned off in WoW, it adds nothing to the experience 90% of the time.

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I know its predictable but Ludwig.

I just love how the song almost becomes like a final dance between you and him. The music with the image of Ludwig standing upright and fighting you as a man instead of a monster. Good stuff.

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Different genre… you wouldn’t want vocals in a mmo where you will be hearing it for 20 hours

You damn right I do


All of those Souls games have great music. Elden Ring was the same way.

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