After playing Hades 2 I realized

Something I learned not too long ago when my DBM Eventsounds addon broke (custom boss music is win) is that, as of at least BFA, some raids and megadungeond actually do have boss music.

It started with Mechagon afaik, with bosses playing different pre-existing WoW tracks when you engage them, like the trogg plays some WoD track. King Mechagon himself plays a faster, heavier version of the Mechagon theme. Since then, most raids have had a different track play when you engage the boss.

The thing is, these boss tracks blend seemlessly in with the raids general theme for the most part, just being somewhat faster and louder. Which isn’t a bad thing and I do appreciate it, but it’s similar enough that unless you’re actually listening to it (which you aren’t because you’re listening to voice chat and focusing on the fight. you are focusing on the fight, aren’t you???) you don’t even notice the change in music.

I do appreciate Blizzard putting in an effort in this, and proper boss music is something I had wanted them to do ever since Bronjham rocked out in Soul Forges way back in WotLK, but I know Blizz can do better than this.

Oh and also, I, too, am a superfan of Scylla and the Sirens. I have both their songs, Coral Crown and their latest hit I Am Gonna Claw (Out Your Eyes then Drown You to Death) open on Youtube so I can listen to them whenever I want!


I mean, agree to disagree I guess. That theme definitely pulls you into the GAME, but not the WORLD. very big difference. To me, that kind of thing, while cool, makes it more obvious that it already is that you’re playing a game. Maybe you interpret that differently, that’s fine.

I do agree WoW’s music is just kind of there. It’s not trying to draw attention to an encounter, it’s setting a tone for the area you are in while trying its best not to distract, I think. And that’s not going to get anyone praising it too much, but it works.

Except the theme directly relates to the world in what is happening within the story. Rhulks theme, the one I posted, represents the battle between light and dark. The heavy bass and brass representing dark with the high crescendos representing the guardian and the light. It directly invokes what was occurring within the story itself while also representing the commanding presence of the creature you are fighting. Turn the music off and the fight becomes any other generic boss fight, fun, but just another boss fight.

That’s the issue I have with WoW fights, they all feel like generic boss fights because at the end of the day, there is nothing to help elevate them beyond that fact.


That whole fight is really beautifully done the cutscene is one of my favorites, talking to him after is the only times playing a game has managed to unsettle me bad enough i set the controller down and woke my girl friend up just to hug.

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Suprised no one mentioned Bronjahm from forge of souls

Don’t forget addons going off

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This one thing I really enjoy in FF14. I get really into some of the boss fight songs that it almost feels like a dance:


I love a dedicated boss theme!

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Uh…doesn’t the music change when you engage most bosses? I’m 99.99% sure that the Anduin fight in Sepulcher had its own theme, at least, since I distinctly remember hearing a corrupted/militant version of Anduin’s motif at some point during the fight.

edit: Went back to make sure I wasn’t crazy. Some version of Anduin’s theme is playing the whole time you’re on his platform, but when you start the fight it definitely changes to a heavier (bass/percussion) rendition. The music changed for the other two bosses in that LFR wing as well. Rygelon’s was different from the Mal’ganis fight.

But yeah, if you’re looking for some Mic Gordon or Those Who Fight Further! stuff, WoW isn’t really the place for that.

It is common practice to turn off the games sound during bosses, this is especially applicable to the games music. After nearly 20 years of this behavior it’s surprising we get music at all.

FF14 has the best soundtrack in all of gaming.

I’ll die on this hill.

all of its boss themes are so varied, but still slap so hard.

One of the Primals has a Bollywood-inspired theme. and it’s amazing.


Ya’ll really can’t fight a boss while Boss music is playing?

You really can’t “focus” unless there is pure silence?

what a boring way to play video games.

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There’s the penultimate boss fight in Waycrest Mansion. I do think it’d be neat to get a boss with a theme song, though, a-la Raphael in BG3.

It does have one of the clearest examples of “Song as Reward” in it, though, which I think that people tend to forget because it was a million years ago and these days people spam the toy just to be an annoyance.

And then raids like Sunwell Plateau and Icecrown have epic music that calls back established themes. I mean, we don’t actively notice the music a lot I think, but if you listen to it in isolation without raid mechanics going on over it it’s like “Holy COW!”

Dark Anduin’s raid fight music, for instance (and boy what an unearned moment that was, that whole plot arc had so much foreshadowing and called together SO MANY plot themes only to fizzle out when they got toothless with Anduin’s face-heel turn).

Like, we’d been hearing “Anduin’s Theme” since like MOP, one of my friends sent a link to music from Legion and it wove together Varian’s Theme and Anduin’s Theme and I realized that both were lietmotifs to the Stormwind theme and I literally got a little verklempt.

I’m pretty sure they worked out a way to give us this banger in the game too.

No, I think people opt into other music, podcasts or audio books.

To be fair WoW boss music is lacking. FF14’s isn’t super great either, it’s hit and miss, some is great some is just bad.

For me the Souls games have some of the best boss music in modern games.

I can’t focus if there is silence. I have pretty bad tinnitus. I’ve had it almost all of my life.

Seen the boss fights for Hades 2 and they’re truly something although I feel bad for Cerberus… shades tormenting him like they seem to be doing. Does he ever let you pet him and let him know everything will be alright is one thing I’d love to know.

Playing ff14’s raids and trials makes me think wow has absolutely no spectacle
the gameplay is there but bosses never feel memorable because they never do any cool music or transitions

The savage transitions are always a spectacle lol:


I’ve had WoW’s music off since vanilla, its always been kinda boring (sounds the same)to me, i play FF14 and keep their music on as its much more varied with a few bangers here and there.

You know what you’re right! He has custom music and it’s dope!

and that’s where ff14 shines with its epic dungeon and boss music

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