“World of Warcraft subscription revenue grew an estimated 223% in August compared to July. DESPITE this, TOTAL revenue was still lower than the Battle for Azeroth expansion last August” Here is the next part of the article you didn’t quote. "Interestingly, their total revenue was still lower than that of last August, when Battle for Azeroth launched, which also had benefitted from a gigantic marketing campaign and expansion box sales, whereas Classic revenue comes from subscriptions only."
You’re really close, but you missed TOTAL revenue. They separated subscription revenue in the first part of the quote for a reason. It was not, its TOTAL revenue was more than Classic wow for August, with having more revenue streams that tie into TOTAL revenue taken into account such as an actual game to purchase, and in game purchases. That’s why the word DESPITE is in there as well. DESPITE having more subscription revenue TOTAL revenue was lower
I’m sorry there seems to be a misconception, and its my fault for not clarifying. When i’m talking about the dead zone i’m leaning towards pvp and having to manage the distance between your combatant. I’m well aware that modern dungeon design is written with hunters not having a dead zone in the retail version.
Yeah, I think there will be a blend of some things from classic and other iterations of the hunter class implemented in the next expansion. Like i previously said, I’mnot completely against trying the retail hunter, but some changes would have to be made.