After playing classic... Devs you need to pay attention

“World of Warcraft subscription revenue grew an estimated 223% in August compared to July. DESPITE this, TOTAL revenue was still lower than the Battle for Azeroth expansion last August” Here is the next part of the article you didn’t quote. "Interestingly, their total revenue was still lower than that of last August, when Battle for Azeroth launched, which also had benefitted from a gigantic marketing campaign and expansion box sales, whereas Classic revenue comes from subscriptions only."

You’re really close, but you missed TOTAL revenue. They separated subscription revenue in the first part of the quote for a reason. It was not, its TOTAL revenue was more than Classic wow for August, with having more revenue streams that tie into TOTAL revenue taken into account such as an actual game to purchase, and in game purchases. That’s why the word DESPITE is in there as well. DESPITE having more subscription revenue TOTAL revenue was lower

I’m sorry there seems to be a misconception, and its my fault for not clarifying. When i’m talking about the dead zone i’m leaning towards pvp and having to manage the distance between your combatant. I’m well aware that modern dungeon design is written with hunters not having a dead zone in the retail version.

Yeah, I think there will be a blend of some things from classic and other iterations of the hunter class implemented in the next expansion. Like i previously said, I’mnot completely against trying the retail hunter, but some changes would have to be made.

Again, for those who missed it the first time, literally no one is suggesting we go back to how things were… what were suggesting is moving forward with a blending of the improvements we have now, and the complexity of what we had then.

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This, Just because I personally view the classic hunter as my favorite, I know i’m more than likely in the minority. I like the BC and WoTLK Hunters too. Cata not so much, I know their is definitely give and take. I would like to see Blizzard learn some things from all the iterations of the Hunter and give us the best combination possible. That would open me up to giving a retail a go.

From game play point of view it wouldnt really work. Melee are to mobile now with to many ranged slows and stuns. Imagine 1v1ing a dh with the deadzone mechanic. Ill pass on that.

Not only melee range, with significantly less dps compared to ranged abilities, but the overall need to be a planted turret in order to even auto-shot.

That’s the thing, it wasn’t.
There are more recent expansions (and even on live) with situational abilities that are exceedingly better than what was available in Classic.

The issue is the clarification of what is wanted from Classic, which is effectively unpruning, where expansions with a more defined playstyle (instead of weaving Auto, Aimed, and Multi), alongside the situational abilities.

Classic is popular, not because of it’s rotations.


The deadzone appears a hot topic, and it would not work in todays game retail. I cant imagine anyone actually wanting it back, thats not the point.

Its a matter of the overall experience.

Things as simple as quivers showing, the ability to use melee weapons if they were to hit harder than your average moist noodle for us. The choice when it comes to spec options, re-adding various lost skills or removing them from pvp only.

So many things i could list but let me be perfectly clear here… there are 2 things i 100% absolutely vehemently do not want back:
#1 the dead zone, no way no how.
#2 carrying ammo unless it becomes an extra bag slot dedicated only to that.

True, at his point, well see what they say at Blizzcon, but the point is that there is much is classic that we want back in retail.

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you know whyprivate server players keep playing on private servers?so they can get a fresh start classic wow wont have fresh start servers all they can do is roll on a low pop server.

the whole point of classic wow is to get people in to retail at some point.

No worries.

The thing is though, sure, play well enough and you could work around a deadzone(less so in the modern game though). But…why?
It would prove that you know how to stay away from an enemy. But again…why?

Is that the only reason? For it to be a measurement of your skill level?

I only ask as I don’t understand what the point with having a deadzone would be.
We don’t actually gain any sort of benefit from having one. There is no upside to having a deadzone, even if you were to manage it at a decent level.

Fair enough. Anything specific that you want back?

Sure, some things added complexity to your gameplay.

Things like forced immobility to fire auto shots, minimum range to fire your weapon or a deadzone, these are certainly examples that added to the difficulty level.

Especially if you engaged in PvP. For PvE, less so.
But, that’s also something to think of really. The actual complexity, is not in your class at that point. The complexity comes from the type of content that you engage in, and how that content type affects what you are able to do and when.

As an example, anyone for the most part, that engage in a type of content that wasn’t PvP, would not experience that increase to difficulty.

And more importantly, none of the above examples would actually work in the modern game. Considering how it’s designed.

Having said that. Feel free to bring up other things that you might want back from the old days. Things that would work in the game today.

We should get these back yes.

It would make thematic sense to carry melee weapons and not just a ranged weapon as a hunter, indeed.

But on the other hand. The only way it would make sense to actually bring those into ranged specs in the modern game, would be if we once again also add in a minimum firing range for our ranged weapons.
Because if that min range does not exist, there would be no use for melee weapons. As we can just continue with our ranged abilities like usual.

What do you mean by this, precisely?

Some skills/abilities, oh yes pls.

Distracting Shot
Tranq Shot
Eyes of the Beast

to mention a few…

Fair enough. As long as it would actually fit the overall design of the modern game. Why not?

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What do dead zones bring the table in general?
During a pvp being able to manage well with it leads you to getting more HK’s and climb the ladder. Not only do you have to manage it, your opponent does too. It adds a layer of complexity such as micro managing our pet to stop, only to activate it’s charge to root them. All of this is done while kiting, and 360 shooting, and stopping to get auto shots.

People find it horrible, and i’m sure it wouldn’t work in today’s retail environment. When its properly executed, and you’re watching it or doing it, it damn near looks like like ballet.

I have played a hunter since Actual Vanilla and watched every patch that nurfed it and shaped it to turn it into the noob friendly class. Turned it into the Huntard class players do not respect and avoid if they do not know the player already. A BM hunters pet should make a diffrence and be as strong as if it was a player itself. BM pets should have Powerful differences than normal pets. Type of pet should matter as well and rare pets should have a minor % higher on stats.

I do not missing having melee blind spots or really having to carry around a ton of ammo so i don’t run out in dungeon. But Blizzard has turned pets into nothing but a cosmetic visual to follow you around. Hunter pets are not warlock pets they are not there to just Taunt / Take hits or give a little spell support.


Can’t you get those without having a deadzone?

All it is really, is you being able to stay away from an enemy.
If the enemy cannot reach you, what does it matter if there’s a deadzone in between you and them or not?

Again, sure. It does add complexity. But there is no actual upside to it. You don’t gain any advantage from it.

You could just as well not have a deadzone and work at keeping your distance to the target anyway.

Yes I can, but the thing your missing is there are two people during a 1v1 encounter. It offers them an advantage if they can be in it, and me one if they can’t manage it as well.

i think the biggest thing i’ve noticed playing classic, is that i used to feel like a ranger with a loyal pet.

in BFA i have 3 mini classes and none of them feel like my original character.

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while true, they arent going to do that with the game as is, they are going to have to make concessions. My old guild came back, about 7 or 8 of them, and not one of them has any plan to play retain in its current configuration to what they will do is force them back out, without listening.

sorry blizzard doesnt make concessions there wont be any fresh start servers.

that expresses the current situation so well.

it’s hard to put my finger on but that’s what it feels like…

for one, why did they move so many of our abilities to pvp talents…

secondly, the only spec that remotely feels like a ranger to me today is MM…which is what i played before but…

anyway, i kind of wish we could go back to MOP MM personally…though i don’t mind the focus change. but everything else i wish would go back to MOP

….Warlock Pets have better utility and synergy with warlocks than hunter pets have with hunters BY FAR. I would LOVE to have a pet that interrupts spell casting, I would LOVE to have a pet that can stun. I would LOVE to have a pet that can CC(charm).

So, Cata-MoP pets?

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I think Vanilla/ BC pets had a better set of skills…(pre never ending nerf) ….but you’ll have to travel over the broken bodies of just about every caster class to get those back.