After investing in Blitz i find out that i don't like arenas

Doens’t matter if UFC has 5000 fighters or 10.000 fighters.

1º place will always be champion.
Top 10 will always be top 10.

Theres no reason to be frustrated about pvp horrible rewards, the real reward is your placement.

Like I said, the quality of the content is just how easily accessible the rewards are. Specs could be 1-2 buttons, queues could be 55 minutes, there could be little or no spec diversity but if 2700 is top 8000 players then “hey man that season was pretty fun”.

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PvP has no rewards, nobody cares about titles besides gladiator. The real reward is your placement.

TWW S1 First Elite.
1000 games 2k SS stuck.
Who am I :crazy_face:

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Nah, nobody cares about where they fall on the ladder. It’s all reward thresholds.

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You are mentioning one of the best, if not the best blitz warrior, not a single warrior hit harder than me this season. More respect.

my 1800 cr hunter has 2900 mmr, by druid is like hardstuck 1900

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1600 arena player > 2400 bgb player.

Not inside a Battleground :slight_smile:

yep, Ill take a area player any day over a meme bgb player


1500 arena players are 2400 blitz players my bro


you can def tell that had a dk not use grip the entire wsg at 2700 mmr check him he is just lifetime rival to challenger. that mode is just a coinflip.


Most games are very close to each other, most of them is about 1200-1200 all the time, a good play can change the tides, this happens often.

Ive already won countless games by myself. Already lose many matches due a single good rogue.
Coinflip exists, but its 1 out of 5 matchs.

It’s harder in the low ratings you’re at. It’s easier to make a difference once you’re much higher. Kinda weird how it works tbh.

Blitz is the worst bracket, because it is absolute RNG.

Whoever got lucky with 4-5 wins in a row early in the season catapulted to high ratings, whoever was on an unlucky streak is still stuck in MMR hell with no chance of escaping.

It’s a bit early to say, but I’m pretty sure that many people who got to 2.1 or 2.4CR in Blitz during season 1 will be stuck at 1.4CR in season 2 and will quickly realize they were lucky and not good.

Arena on the other hand is much more consistent and you have much more agency. Shuffle has its ups and downs, but you can never have an all-time 1.4CR player suddenly climb to 2.4CR in shuffle :smiley:

Bg gameplay is more fun than arena thats for sure. When losing the head to head battle you can outsmart the enemy with fast and well timed rotations.


I guess I’m really smart because I knew all along :sunglasses:

literally just look at the top of the blitz ladder… Some people there never broke 2200 in arenas. Some even never broke 2k.

Blitz rating is inflated, and turns out, the game is fun when you get rewards, no matter what you are playing. Blitz makes me wanna bash my head against a wall watching the stupid stuff my team does to throw a 800pt lead.

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But thats the name of the game. 8 people means 8 different minds that can at any moment lose you the game all by themselves.

Bg is a different skill that arena. Arena relies in class oerformance and enemy knowledge and bgs is more about your class skill paired with map and game awareness.

Ive lost a good smount of silvershard mines that went to the last cart because people decided to not guard lava tracks and let enemy rogue change track leading it to go the long way around. Boom we lost at the last second.

I know “le arena pros” dismiss blitz but to me amd others is way more fun than pure 123cc and burst cycles. Both have their appeal

I am someone who loves RBGs. But blitz truly is just super inflated. Would you say the same stuff if the highest player in blitz was 2400 and majority were stuck around 1500-1800? Or would you just go play RBGs where true team coordination happens so you have a better chance of hitting 2400?

Blitz is blitz. It is mainly RNG. RBG is where all the blitz enjoyers should be, but the rating isn’t as high and you have to get a team.

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