After 20 years, this is what broke me

I have played WoW on and off for the last 20 years, and there have been some things in that time that have been very annoying. But I have never encountered something that has Irked me quite as much as the combination of RareScanner and Turskar Tackleboxes / Expedition Scout Packs. If I hear that BA DAA BA DAA one more time, so help me bob I am pulling over this van and we are all going home.


You should be able to turn that off in the rate scanner options. You can tell it what types of “rare” to scan for.


I thought for a second that this was Gona be a “I’ve played for twenty years and I’m quitting wow because of this thread”

Never thought it would be about an addon that you can customize.


I know it can be customized, but then I miss all my loots. What? you want me to pay attention with me EYES!!! pfft…

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You can also change the sound…


What does all this mean? weird collector stuff?

and how has this broke you after 20 years?

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/rarescanner tta disables/enables treasure alerts
/rarescanner tra disables/enables rare alerts

So wait. The thing that broke you was a 3rd party add-on that already has the functionality to resolve the issue for you?


You could always just not use the optional addon you chose to install, or just turn off the notifications for those particular things. Prob would haven taken less time than making this post.

Game hasn’t been out for exactly 20 years yet so calling nonsense… nah kidding I can understand that rare finder thingy on the Dragon Isles drives me CRAZY constantly going off cause mound of dirt or a explorors lost bag or some other thing that I just do not care about :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I love that so many people didn’t get this post was made to be silly. >.<

if this was the REAL reason, then yes.

But, it’s just a troll that wants to…well , troll someone.

Troll has such a negative connotation. It was just some innocent, tongue in cheek light hearted silliness.

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(confused squeaky noises…)

People actually play with the volume on?

(toddles off to get more caffeine)



Yea, we can’t hear the sarcastic voice in your head as you type.

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I have noticed there’s literally a metric ton of these things in the game.

I could do a warrior heroic leap from one to the next. They are so abundant. I had to turn off my scanners for that reason

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

I threatened to turn the van around and make everyone go home… how much more blatantly ridiculous do I need to be?

No, it’s not that you have to be more blatantly ridiculous, you need to stand out from these forums as sarcasm needs to have a context. Let’s just say this isn’t all your fault, that your histrionics fell on deaf ears.

I used to farm those tackleboxes / pack , they did give a good chunk of gold earlier on . Nowadays nothing seems worth it other than playing the Ah

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What in the Murloc Predator is that outfit? :rofl:

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab: