Afrasiabi Sylvanas interview

The orcs have always had a confusing view of what slavery was and how the Alliance used it.

Remember that time in Cata Thrall accused Stormwind of trying to enslave him? I sure do.
11/12/2018 10:11 AMPosted by Darethy
The orcs have always had a confusing view of what slavery was and how the Alliance used it.

Remember that time in Cata Thrall accused Stormwind of trying to enslave him? I sure do.

11/12/2018 10:13 AMPosted by Saiphas
11/12/2018 10:11 AMPosted by Darethy
The orcs have always had a confusing view of what slavery was and how the Alliance used it.

Remember that time in Cata Thrall accused Stormwind of trying to enslave him? I sure do.


11/12/2018 10:14 AMPosted by Darethy
11/12/2018 10:13 AMPosted by Saiphas


But thats...thats not enslavement... .headdesk
11/12/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Saiphas
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But thats...thats not enslavement... .headdesk

And you !@#$ers wonder why i'm so staunchly Eastern Horde.

Sure the Forsaken have engaged in hyper violent acts against the Alliance as a form of disproportionate retribution, but at least I know those acts actually happened in the first place and are corroborated, if with different details, by both parties.

With the orcs i'm half convinced that their entire race is suffering some sort of collective amnesia, and whatever magical senility has plagued their species is making them misremember what actually happened and whose doing what.
11/11/2018 08:22 PMPosted by Niingdorei
The playerbase seems to be A LOT more engaged over this story than fighting a giant evil. They have to use it sparingly but it sure is a massive stimulant for engagement.

As cool as Mechagon is and how much awesome lore it may have, I doubt it’ll get much General player attention since people don’t have an emotional attachment to it.

Tl;dr, people say they don’t like the conflict but the numbers (amount of discussion amongst players) seem to say otherwise.

I’d also argue that the Horde playerbase has always been divided even if it rarely is shown. Some want to be the good guy monsters. Others want to be “me orc! Me smash!” And my guess is there’s a large amount of players on both sides.

Someone walks past you. You two have no interaction. You won't talk about it. Someone walks past you. Gives you a dollar, how nice, you will probably talk about it a bit. Someone walks past you. Smacks you in the face with a pipe. You will probably be talking about it a lot. Talking about something =/= liking something.
11/11/2018 06:48 PMPosted by Trivelfrank
Down with Sylvanas! For the honor of the Horde!
Preach, brother! We need to be louder than her servants if we’re to get her off the throne.
1 Like
11/12/2018 10:20 AMPosted by Darethy
With the orcs i'm half convinced that their entire race is suffering some sort of collective amnesia, and whatever magical senility has plagued their species is making them misremember what actually happened and whose doing what.
Blizzard can't seem to decide how bad the Interment Camps were.

Sometimes the main problem is the Orc's lethargy, other times there's mentions of daily beatings and hangings.

They really should learn to commit to a !@#$ing story.
11/12/2018 11:01 AMPosted by Leenag
11/11/2018 08:22 PMPosted by Niingdorei
The playerbase seems to be A LOT more engaged over this story than fighting a giant evil. They have to use it sparingly but it sure is a massive stimulant for engagement.

As cool as Mechagon is and how much awesome lore it may have, I doubt it’ll get much General player attention since people don’t have an emotional attachment to it.

Tl;dr, people say they don’t like the conflict but the numbers (amount of discussion amongst players) seem to say otherwise.

I’d also argue that the Horde playerbase has always been divided even if it rarely is shown. Some want to be the good guy monsters. Others want to be “me orc! Me smash!” And my guess is there’s a large amount of players on both sides.

Someone walks past you. You two have no interaction. You won't talk about it. Someone walks past you. Gives you a dollar, how nice, you will probably talk about it a bit. Someone walks past you. Smacks you in the face with a pipe. You will probably be talking about it a lot. Talking about something =/= liking something.

This. All of this. I don’t know if it’s worse that blizzard doesn’t know the faction war is like politics for nerds, or they do and encourage it.
11/12/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Arlifrex
<span class="truncated">...</span>
Someone walks past you. You two have no interaction. You won't talk about it. Someone walks past you. Gives you a dollar, how nice, you will probably talk about it a bit. Someone walks past you. Smacks you in the face with a pipe. You will probably be talking about it a lot. Talking about something =/= liking something.

This. All of this. I don’t know if it’s worse that blizzard doesn’t know the faction war is like politics for nerds, or they do and encourage it.

I disagree. Politics has stakes.

The current Faction war is akin to Left vs Right Twix.

Which is fine. But dont tell us "it matters"...
11/12/2018 11:03 AMPosted by Pyrogar
11/11/2018 06:48 PMPosted by Trivelfrank
Down with Sylvanas! For the honor of the Horde!
Preach, brother! We need to be louder than her servants if we’re to get her off the throne.

Look, I'm with you guys in terms of not wanting the Horde to be portrayed as evil, and being displeased with basically everything Sylvanas has done in BfA. But I think the sentiment you guys are expressing is a bit misguided.

You say you didn't want another divided Horde story. Well, it's not the fault of Sylvanas that we're getting another divided Horde story. She's a fictional character, after all. Blizzard didn't need to make her Warchief, or have her start a war, or burn a civilian city. They chose to have all that happen, because they wanted a divided Horde story. Enthusiastically championing either side of the division just validates their choice to do so.
1 Like
11/12/2018 10:11 AMPosted by Darethy
The orcs have always had a confusing view of what slavery was and how the Alliance used it.

Remember that time in Cata Thrall accused Stormwind of trying to enslave him? I sure do.
I’m pretty sure the Alliance just thought they were capturing the Hordes’ Warchief, but they definitely werent going to make him a slave.

And you gotta remember that the Goblin starting zome takes place during the start of Cataclysm when Deathwing was flying around the planet causing destruction. So the Alliance probably didn’t know that Thrall was just heading to the Maelstrom to start trying to heal the planet. They probably mistaked him for still being im charge of the Horde and saw him as a very valuable millitary target.
11/12/2018 06:07 AMPosted by Cursewords
11/12/2018 05:00 AMPosted by Arlifrex
We’ve known about this for days. Aren’t we confused over whether or not he misspoke about Wrathgate?

This new statement has apparent groundwork in the retcon storm that is Chronicles. The Wrathgate was retconned. Draenosh never died to Arthas - he died to the Plague.

They retconned a cinematic.

With that retcon in mind, it seems likely that it was done to push this new story of: "Sylvanas ordered the Wrathgate = Saurfang good."

So while it seems confusing and a slip of the mind/tongue... It could be their new direction. It has retcons to back it.

Wow. This is Disney level stupid.
11/12/2018 12:02 PMPosted by Pyrogar
11/12/2018 10:11 AMPosted by Darethy
The orcs have always had a confusing view of what slavery was and how the Alliance used it.

Remember that time in Cata Thrall accused Stormwind of trying to enslave him? I sure do.
I’m pretty sure the Alliance just thought they were capturing the Hordes’ Warchief, but they definitely werent going to make him a slave.

And you gotta remember that the Goblin starting zome takes place during the start of Cataclysm when Deathwing was flying around the planet causing destruction. So the Alliance probably didn’t know that Thrall was just heading to the Maelstrom to start trying to heal the planet. They probably mistaked him for still being im charge of the Horde and saw him as a very valuable millitary target.

Right, that's the Alliances line of reasoning. But why did Thrall think they were trying to enslave him?
11/12/2018 12:07 PMPosted by Darethy
11/12/2018 12:02 PMPosted by Pyrogar
...I’m pretty sure the Alliance just thought they were capturing the Hordes’ Warchief, but they definitely werent going to make him a slave.

And you gotta remember that the Goblin starting zome takes place during the start of Cataclysm when Deathwing was flying around the planet causing destruction. So the Alliance probably didn’t know that Thrall was just heading to the Maelstrom to start trying to heal the planet. They probably mistaked him for still being im charge of the Horde and saw him as a very valuable millitary target.

Right, that's the Alliances line of reasoning. But why did Thrall think they were trying to enslave him?
Who says they were trying to enslave him. Nothing in that arc indicates such. There’s a difference between the acts of capturing and enslaving.
11/12/2018 12:52 PMPosted by Pyrogar
There’s a difference between the acts of capturing and enslaving.

That's the point. Thrall states that the Alliance were to make him a slave... when there was nothing to indicate such.
11/12/2018 01:07 PMPosted by Akiyass
11/12/2018 12:52 PMPosted by Pyrogar
There’s a difference between the acts of capturing and enslaving.

That's the point. Thrall states that the Alliance were to make him a slave... when there was nothing to indicate such.

Isn’t this the second time Aki and Darethy have agreed on the exact same point? I think there is something abou seals breaking when this happens, it would be like DiF and Grandblade agreeing.
11/12/2018 01:14 PMPosted by Saiphas
11/12/2018 01:07 PMPosted by Akiyass

That's the point. Thrall states that the Alliance were to make him a slave... when there was nothing to indicate such.

Isn’t this the second time Aki and Darethy have agreed on the exact same point? I think there is something abou seals breaking when this happens, it would be like DiF and Grandblade agreeing.

This whole seals breaking thing is giving me Drakengarde flashbacks.

If this game somehow ends with everyone getting eaten by giant cannibal babies, i'll throw a suitcase full of money through the window of Blizzard HQ for the excellent troll.
11/12/2018 01:14 PMPosted by Saiphas
it would be like DiF and Grandblade agreeing.
Y'know apart from her Sylvanas MHPing, she basically hit the nail on the head in her post about the Wrathgate.
11/12/2018 11:26 AMPosted by Balloonfish
You say you didn't want another divided Horde story. Well, it's not the fault of Sylvanas that we're getting another divided Horde story. She's a fictional character, after all. Blizzard didn't need to make her Warchief, or have her start a war, or burn a civilian city. They chose to have all that happen, because they wanted a divided Horde story. Enthusiastically championing either side of the division just validates their choice to do so.
I blame both the character of Sylvanas and the writing team that's currently pissing on her right now, destroying any redeeming qualities she's ever had. Her concern for her people, her rational thinking, her relatability, her subtle machinations, any likeability, it's all gone! Unless you are a dedicated Sylvanas fan since WC3, there's absolutely no reason for any Horde player to like or want to fight for her right now.

I used to really like Sylvanas back when she was just running her own show on her own terms. It was interesting and her motives were clear and understandable, even if her methods were amoral and villainous. It didn't really do much to hurt the Horde as much as it did add an extra layer to it. Her open rebuke at Garrosh was badass in "Edge of Night" and her banter with Lor'themar in SoO was priceless. But then the idiot's made her Warchief, and immediately went through so much effort to forcibly shove her down everyone's throats with little presence from any of the more heroic Horde characters to remind us that we were still on the side of good, but I was still willing to give her a chance to show that she can be a solid Warchief, so I waited. Saw the BfA cinematic last Blizzcon, and I cringed when she cries "For the Horde" because as a character, most people know she'd never say something like that unless her character had some kind of perspective changing revelation that made her care more about the Horde or proud to be a part of it. So I was expecting there to be some big character moment from her in BtS, and there definitely was one alright...…

I blame the character of Sylvanas because not once does she show a shred a humanity or remorse, she just enjoys murdering people for fun, it seems and it's absolutely mind-boggling how any non-forsaken player can reasonably follow her without becoming an evil stooge.

I blame the writers, because holy fuk they have done absolutely nothing to reassure anyone that their story isn't going to hell. I blame the writers because they essentially destroyed the character of Sylvanas for people like me. I blame the writers because they shafted Vol'jin in Legion. I blame the writers because and elf warchief does not fit the aesthetic of the Horde and was a stupid decision. I blame the writers because they couldn't commit to their planned redemption arc for Garrosh back in WoD and had essentially thrown out around 8 years worth of character development.

But the fact of the matter is; Warchief Sylvanas just does not work. From an ideological standpoint or a thematic standpoint. It hardly makes sense, and it's currently hurting the faction as a whole.