AFK Multi-Boxer Boomkins

Can something be done about this obvious automated farming in-game cheating abuse. If it was a straight up multi-boxer then each character wouldn’t be tab targeting pew pew different mobs, its an obvious TOS break.

Its fun seeing them everywhere and especially in a quest area making it harder than it should to kill stuff.

Can Blizz give us an answer or should I give up reporting the tools?


Yes, there is something that can be done. By you. And that is to report them.

It works, I know from personal experience. If you care enough about it, report it.


there was once 4 sets of multiboxers in one alliance stormsong quest hyperspawn zone, my old computer went down to 3 fps as i was in that zone. trying to do that quest was a nightmare. falling star noises


Get a new computer


There is a difference between mutli-boxers and bots.

Always report bots!


I did but that’s not the point.

Sure seemed like it is.

You can report them, yes.


Since you actively report them. Have you ever checked their armory pages to see if they are locked?

If you do this, click the favorite button.

Check back every now and then, after a ban wave, some of them should be gone.

Especially if they are the ‘oh so obvious’ perfect looping path types.


Without an assist macro, that’s exactly what would happen.

In before the multibotter defense force crawls out of the ground.


Well, for starters, you can’t multibox and afk because that’s not boxing. That would be botting.



Obviously bots…

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There is really a person sitting there, behind the keyboard watching Netflix and eating tacos.

1 button cast squence macro ftw.



I didn’t know you had tools on your computer that made this OBVIOUS to you.

Oh wait, that’s right, you have no idea.

Report and move on. When Blizz inspects them and realizes your are DEAD WRONG, those Druids will be there tomorrow.


I’ve reported them. I was wondering if the skinners couldn’t skin their kills if I also aoe them down without looting. hmmmm?

Eh, having run into some of those bot squads myself… I highly doubt 5-10 boomkins all named similar names, all at the same level, all wearing the exact same gear, staying the same location for 30+ minutes murdering everything in sight casting completely different spells at the exact same time… It’s relatively obvious that those aren’t real players.

Personally hope they send out more ban waves a bit more often, though atm I’d rather they just focus on SL.

10 druids following the exact same path doing the exact same thing? Sure that’s a multi-boxxer. I’m not a fan, but hey they’re deemed fair. What I described above? That’s not a multi-boxxer, those are bots.


So I’m curious - what effect does it have on you if someone is killing and skinning mobs? Aside from certain spots where it is interfering with questing, is there any reason a skinning farmer is a problem for you?

If it’s a bot, that’s one thing, but I will often run around an area on my LW/skinner repeatedly killing mobs for leather, for various reasons. To level up the proff, to get materials for something I want to make, or even just to get a bit to sell. If its a farming player like me, why is there any issue with someone doing that?

As I say, an automated character that is behaving in contravention of Blizzard’s rules, that’s different, and should be reported.

You’re absolutely wrong.

It’s one guy with macros multiboxing.

Is a bunch of Druids standing in one spot nuking everything in sight.

Except it’s not… Cause they’re all casting different abilities and targeting entirely separate mobs at the same time. Ie… not 8 druids following 1 druid casting the same spells at the same target as the 1 druid. It’s 9 druids doing different things at the exact same time.

That’s not multi-boxxing, and if it is… then they’re certainly breaking the ToS via automation.