Affliction PVP Questions

Hi all, two questions about Affliction in PVP:

  1. Are you taking Absolute Corruption or Writhe in Agony?

  2. Which pet are you sacrificing with Grimoire of Sacrifice? I just took this talent last night so I’m not familiar with it yet.

I personally take writhe in agony. I just throw on agonyx2, corruption and UA if I have time.

Sorry, Agony x 2? Are you waiting for a second stack or are you able to cast a second Agony?

i take inevitale demise, absolute corruption, demon skin or dark pact, phantom singularity, mortal coil. grimoire of sacrifice, creeping death. Also for the pvp options i take rapid contagion, demon armor, rampant afflictions. The lego i use for pvp is the sacrolash one. You just put agony and corruption in all you can and wait to get 50 stacks for inevitable demise to burn 1 target

Working to get Sacrolash. I’m here posting on my Warlock in case people want to tear me apart.

And I should say here, “working on” means I have everything but the Soul Ash.

i forgot to say that you stay as far as you can since affliction get killed on contact, so for random bg’s you stay behind your choke group, other than that you will die really fast since the class have survival issues. At least thats what i do, not sure if this is the right call but is the build that work best for me.

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Any thoughts on Arena 3s? I’m currently a Resto Shaman and occasionally DPS as Elemental. I assume Affliction has more survivability than Elemental.

i must say i suck for arenas, so not much i can say about it.

Affliction in 3s has sub-par survivability. You’ll need good heals and also peels.

Otherwise double Melee will force your wall then kill you rather quickly.

Absolute corruption >> Writhe in Agony when you get sacrolash. 24 second slow is really strong and necessary to survive melee.

Before then, I think they are similar.


That doesn’t seem wildly different from Elemental, but if you’re seeing this a lot would you consider dropping Mortal Coil for Howl of Terror?

I did mortal coil for my first 150ish games then dropped for Howl.

Howl really helps against windwalker and the double melee train.

Mortal may be better against warriors solo, possibly against classes that can avoid your howl (hunters maybe? fleeing mages?)

But really, even then, it seems like catching 2-3 in a howl > mortal coil even with MC’s heal.

I’m not sure how to compare affliction to ele on survivability. Sounds like they are similar.

***As a side note, save howl of terror until you see Earth, Wind, Fire if you are facing a wind walker. This will greatly reduce their burst. Howl and get out of dodge . . . don’t let the duplicates catch you!

Solid advice. I appreciate that.

Last Question: I have Spirit Blink so it’s not a huge deal but has mobility ever screwed you late in the match?

I only started to get back into PvP, but you should take a look at Chanimal’s YouTube channel. He’s one of the consistently best warlocks in the world and he recently started posting vids on tips that has made my PvP experience more enjoyable.


I’ll check it out. Do you know if he runs Affliction? I’ll watch either way.

Howl also has the benefit of being off the GCD, which opens up some really slick Blink/Howl or Port/Howl plays.

Completely forgot about this.

Night Fae for warlock. Soulshape / blink into a group and howl.

Super super satisfying.

Wouldn’t you want to take Siphon life? because it does 300 damage / tick versus the extra 30 you get from absolute corruption, and you get the extra damage from Malefic grasp?

Taking Absolute Corruption over Siphon Life is more about being GCD starved in PvP, which tends to be frenetic. It also extends the duration of Corruption, which with the Sacrolash legendary means a higher uptime on snares.

You won’t have the GCDs to manage Siphon Life in PvP.