Affliction PVP Questions

Late to reply to this. But yes, even with spirit blink mobility always screws you somewhere in the match.

WW isn’t kiteable really.
Warrior one mistake and it could be lights out.
Ret you only have to worry about freedom and pony.
Enhancement seems kiteable but I’m not sure if I only face bad ones.

In all cases, one mistake could be a death tbh.

Absolute corruption (because of conduit + legendary)

Felhunter for:

  • 2v2 healer comps without a paladin
  • 3v3 with pretty much any kind of caster unless comp is roguemage

Imp for:

  • 3s roguemage
  • 2s with a holy pally and some kind of melee dps OR mage

Succubus for:

  • 2s roguemage
  • 2s double melee
  • I’ve seen high level warlocks run this into healer comps. I’m just not good enough yet to time the seduce well enough to pump lethal damage between defensive CD’s

Voidwalker for:

  • any kind of stupid comp like double windwalker

Eh i have a differing opinion.

The dmg gain is pretty minor (about 40 dmg at 203ilvl) when taking absolute. Yes you gain a longer dot but the dmg you gain with Writhe is pretty legit. Goes from 10 stacks to 18 almost doubling its dmg. Mine are critting for 1100 at 18 stacks.

Just my opinion.

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Right now I have Demise/Absolute corr but I think ill be switching that to Writhe. I use howl atm mainly because i have just been doing rbgs . I also have not been sacing my pet since the 20% damage reduction our pets take. I dont know exact numbers but I feel that Sac isnt that big of a damage increase. Not to mention with your pet you can still CS while you are CCd or locked out.

Personally i take Coil against Mage or Moonkin and Howl against melee cleave.

I was 1v1 against a warrior in a BG the other day. He was not a very good player (i’m not very good myself) so i had no trouble kiting him. Right when he was about to die i had like 30+ stacks of ID and he was almost dead so i thought let’s DL snipe him. So i stop kiting and start sniping him with DL then boom i’m dead. The speed at which he killed me was … well better laugh at it than cry i guess. I’m impressed by the healers in the AWC when they can keep a lock alive when he fails to kite a melee cleave for more than 3 secs.