I’m a Fury Warrior, what can i do to deal with Afflicted?
Answer: Nothing, just pray your healer knows what to do or you gonna have to play the whole key with -100% haste zzzzzzzzzzzz
Please remove all affixes that only one role or just some dps specs (DK can heal with Death Coil apparently) can deal with
I hate having to trust random people to do basic things and somehow most of them always fails doing the simplest things
The problem is that this affix is 100% out of my control, i can’t do NOTHING to deal with it, i literally can’t do a single thing, maybe LoS the spirit? But what if there’s no wall or pillar to LoS? You see? This is a mechanic that punishes the WHOLE party too hard if the HEALER fails to do it correctly
I’m obligated to TRUST strangers? I HATE this philosophy that Blizzard has that a couple of random people are going to be paired together and will do a lot of organized things, that’s the reason Overwatch failed because Blizz expected a level of coordination and teamplay impossible to achieve by random people that just met
And before someone say raid pug is the same, yeah it’s the same nightmare having to watch people fail simple mechanics and wiping 19 other players that did it right zzzzzzz
maybe i just need a guild or a group of friends with the same skill level i have, oh wait, i’m a introvert and a anti-social piece of **** so the chances of this happening is very low, guess that’s it then, i’ll just have to suffer with pugs for the entire of my wow existence because i can’t bloody quit this game that i’ve been playing for most than a decade…
Mate… let me tell you about relying on tanks and healers for group content…
That’s the best part… you don’t! Just enjoy the ride.
meanwhile teeming… Overflowing… Skittish… Necrotic…
When someone starts playing tank or healer the base minimum thing they do is learning how to play those roles, no?
Isn’t this the right thing to do when starting with those roles or am i crazy?
Yes. And that would include things like dispelling or cc. If you build a group without adequate dispels, cc or other utility you are in trouble. If players in the group don’t know how to hit their buttons. You are in trouble.
Afflicted doesn’t change this.
Yes, but don’t talk to them:
Dont forget about Rogues, and Mages and DKs (although i do heal them when i play UH).
There isnt a single class that can handle every single affix. Get over it
Just pewpew, my Fury friend.
Maybe throw an interrupt every now and then.
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Or put down the claymores and pick up a shield and MY AXE and tank and lead us into glorious battle!
I also play a class without anything to take care of afflicted and sometimes I get the urge to absolutely flame cause I’ve seen people just forget about them before. Never do it though cause I have no idea how difficult the affix actually is to deal with. It seems to be at the very least very annoying with how much they spawn.
Teeming- affected everyone and everyone contributed
Overflowing-removed after the first season of m+ for being a weird outlier
skittish-everyone had to deal with it one way or another
necrotic-Every class with ways to help a tank kite(all of them) were able to help with this.
Afflicted-warriors, demon hunters, rogues, hunters, and most warlocks, because aff and destro are dead specs, get a week off.
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Except there are many dps and even tank specs that can handle this affix. Just not yours. Make sure your group has one or two spare dispels, outside of the healer - a prot pally, brewmaster, guardian druid, a WW, any mage, a balance or feral druid, a shadow priest, a ret pally…
If you’re joining a key group and you have a BDK, havoc, BM hunter and a healer…it’s gonna be a rough go.
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I loved this as Prot pally when Spellwarding immuned it. Combined with bubble taunt I felt like I was something special that week
I also ran wit a boomie taking the treants talent. So we’d weave those CDs and it was fun.
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I liked it for the same reason as a blood dk, it was so much better when ams prevented it.
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Oh nice! Did AMZ work, too?
My problem with afflicted is that group comps that were well equipped to handle every affix and dungeon mechanic going all the way back to M+ in Legion have become ill-equipped to handle this affix that dropped in the middle of an expansion. It isn’t a lot of group comps and certainly won’t affect many people, so I don’t want to make it seem like half of all M+ groups are screwed. But it just feels bad that a premade that covered all their bases for M+ through DF S1 is needing to have a member reroll 2 weeks out of the 10 week rotation because all of a sudden their comp has a big hole to fill.
Until it was made a bleed. Later on dancing rune weapon’s parry sort of did the same thing, but not nearly as well.
Some specs had ways to make it trivial. Some just died.
Any group that takes m+ seriously already did this though. Especially the tanks and healers.