Afflicted is the worst affix in the history of M+, god help us all

But at least all specs had ways to play around it, I didn’t say they had good ways to do so, but you could still bop your fury warrior.

And to note skittish was removed for good reason, just like afflicted should be since it gives even less room for some classes to play.

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But what if we don’t have bop? What if our group was prot war, double fury war, shadow priest and holy priest?

Afflicted is fine.

There’s just a lot of players that simply will not do afflicted mechanics for w/e reason (if their class can do it that is).


Then you play around threat, which typically wasn’t too bad because prot warrior snap threat is usually decent.

You unlocked hard mode.


You should not be doing group content then. Even without affixes, you are still entrusting others to perform their role at a basic level. You cannot solo the dungeon yourself.


I don’t get your point. it’s a group effort, not an individual effort.

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Two points:

All of those affixes are gone because they focused heavily on a certain role instead of allowing skill expression from the group to impact the key.

Afflicted is worse then all four of those removed affixes in this regard. Afflicted isn’t a group effort its a group creation effort, the best solution to afflicted is to just exclude specific classes because they literally can’t do anything with the affix.

Its not a group effort at that point its a make a group that can do it effort.


I don’t understand why people hate afflicted so much, but then again, afflicted isn’t much of an affix for Evoker.

Incorp, on the other hand… Is way more unfun for my class.


Nah, imma stop you right there. Not a healer affix.

Matter of fact, if there’s two others in the group who can dispel, I’m petty enough that I pretend I don’t see them.

I hate this affix…


Join groups with the proper classes and mindset to handle the affix and enjoy a free week.


The worst affix so far, it’s not beyond Blizzard to make an affix that’s even worse. Imagine if they put one in-game that if you didn’t do correctly would 1 shot the group and it would require… the DPS to stop damaging for two seconds, and we would be wiping all the time.


The best part of most of these affixes is that majority of them aren’t healer affixes like S1. Build your group so that you have several DPS with a dispel. There are a couple of fights where as a healer I’m so on top of dispelles I don’t have time to get afflicted. In this case yeah as a warrior enjoy the ride. But Monks, Paladins, Mages, Shamans, Druids, Evokers, And priests all can do something with this affix. This is such a a dumb thing to complain about. In S1 healer was basically in charge of handling everything. Imo these changes are a step up from S1. Just build groups accordingly and enjoy.


Bursting ?

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Even worse than Bursting, like all stop on damage for 5 seconds.

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You are aware that right by your forum avatar is your name level and class, correct?

Not to be captain obvious.
But you are a Paladin. Human Paladin to be specific.


Disagree, remember explosive? If not, good for you!

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So… bursting?

i can think of a few affixes thaqt were worse than afflicted.

necrotic to name one.
the old bolstering before it got nerfed to oblivion.

Do I really need to go on?

the fact that half of gd cries about afflicted goes to show how easily accessible M+ has become and how inflated this season really is. Everyone and their grandma is getting in on the action.

How could I have forgotten the worst one of them all!?