Our solo shuffle got got destroyed by an afflic lock hitting 2m+ deathbolts due to a bug. Please can you fix asap?
Elaborate on this bug because all I’ve been able to do is 15k/ticks buffed.
Seconded seen just now. 900k deathbolt. screen shotted and reported.
i just got hit by a 1,866,816 deathbolt in an arena. I’m in FULL PvP gear. 30% versatility (so 15% reduced damage), plus an additional 4% reduced spell damage from spell warding. So the Deathbolt’s damage should’ve been 20% higher, at 2.2 MILLION.
imgur DOT com /a/uk147gu
since Blizz doesn’t allow links in posts.
Hi there, after some testing with a guild mate, cause I got 1 shot on my warrior
The bug is as follows after testing with a guild mate.
1.Unstable Affliction + Death bolt and low level mob, which hits for about ~3mil.
2. Enter an Arena
3. Soul Rot + Deathbolt someone which 1 shots them, which 100% is exploiting the arena queues.
This is exploiting 100% and should be punishable.
Accidentally procced this in a solo shuffle then was unable to the rest of it, reported it as a weird bug and ignored it. Suddenly 8 arena games later it pops up again. Immediately knew it had to be something causing it. (yes i used it for two games one in 2’s in solo, didin’t know it was me doing something to cause it relax).
Submitted TWO report a bugs with valid steps. Dunno where else to put this but its pretty outrageous and needs to be dealt with asap.
- Unstable Affliction and Death Bolt the pigs outside Orgrimmar.
- In Arena, Soul Rot and UA someone and then death bolt for an instant kill.
The big thing here is it seems to be finicky on what procs it and what doesn’t. I run deathbolt frequently and have never seen it until today, I don’t know what would have brought it about?
Tried checking with arena partner if it works for Alli but his lock isn’t leveled there. Idk if it’s just the pig or any low level mob.
in solo shuffle one warlock hit me 1.997.426 in one shadow bolt, its normal ???
I was able to do this outside of arena as well. UA deathbolt pig outside org, then duel’d someone, UA soul rot deathbolt for 2mil deathbolt
Just had this happen to me in war mode while trying to finish off Nezascar for the pvp world quest. Do people really think there won’t be suspensions for this? I reported the offending player.
another update, I UA deathbolted pig outside of org, now testing on training dummies, I can cast whatever I want and as long as I don’t deathbolt without soul rot applied, I can continue one shotting with soul rot deathbolt. It’s been over 15 minutes.
Can blizz at least acknowledge it and let people know they will get banned for abusing it in rated arena’s. A lot of people don’t think they will.
The one intern has a pretty big queue, I’m sure he’ll get to this in 3 weeks
I was one-shot in a 2’s game by a warlock (Name: Tegridyfarmz-Frostmourne)
The exploit occurs when you cast unstable affliction on a low level mob, followed by deathbolt. You then enter your arena game, cast soul rot > death bolt and it will hit for 1mil - 3mil damage. Not sure how or why soul rot would even interact with death bolt in that way…
I hope Blizzard takes action against the players exploiting this to climb rating, especially in such a competitive season.
Because for some reason Deathbolt doesnt understand how to parse soulrot into its calculation. So instead of crashing the server to an error it defaults to your previous deathbolt you hit.
This is a major bug. But at the same time why is everyone asking for these players to get banned for this. This has nothing to do with the players but the game creators. Don’t go after the players. Yes I do think this needs be fixed but I don’t think someone needs to get banned from the game for it. Just imagine all the years, days, and hours you have put into the game just to lose it all. You would do it to if this was your class. fix the bug don’t ban the players.
Proof of Deathbolt bug https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo-4XJsPyzM&ab_channel=TokyotimTech
I linked a video
I hoped this bug is fixed soon because it’s being exploited in rated PvP.
They decided to risk their accounts when they chose to abuse this bug.
I would not. Their new rating gains, achievements, titles, and other rated PvP rewards are meaningless. They didn’t earn them. Furthermore, other players are losing rating in PvP because of these cheaters’ actions.
Yeah I have no sympathy for anyone who gets a suspension and rewards removed for abusing this bug. They accept the risks. The news has spread so fast that it’s almost impossible to not know it’s unintended behavior by this point.