Afflic deathbolt bug

I stopped quing on my warlock because of this bug. u can get this unintentionally doing open world content and still do big numbers.

oh and once u get the bug you dont even know till u 1 shot someone theres no buff no cd no debuff no info to tell you at all.

1+ Hoping this gets fixed

There is setup to this bug prior to joining rated games, so it shows intent these people are looking to abuse this to gain rating. It’s especially obvious in solo shuffle where the person abuses it every single round.

Luckily for me the idiot kept only using it against healers so I was able to shadowmeld one and tranq immune another.

Fix this already, seriously

Its been fixed i believe. happy que’ing

Where do you see this?

I disagree. The key consideration is intention. The people exploiting this bug are clearly aware that it is a bug and still intending to use it. It is not accidental and requires forethought and set up. Therefore, the people exploiting this bug should have their rating gains reset and or be susceptible to account violation penalties.

This is exactly it, this is 100% intentional as such should definitely get their accounts punished. If this gets through and blizzard just so “oh woops, yeah don’t do it again”, then what is the point of reporting serious bugs.

Is this ONLY PvP? Any PvE instances occuring?

PvP only since Deathbolt is a PvP talent.

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as someone said earlier, you have to perform an uncommon set of specific actions in order to make your deathbolts hit for 2 MILLION. you have to:

Unstable Affliction and Death Bolt the pigs outside Orgrimmar.
In Arena, Soul Rot and UA someone and then death bolt for an instant kill.

so the players who are doing this aren’t just “accidentally” hitting you for 2 MILLION damage. they’re specifically preparing and planning this by performing a specific sequence of actions against lvl 1 critters (pigs) in between games, then entering arenas with the proc ready, knowing full well they’ll insta-kill you. they are knowingly aware of this pug and intentionally exploiting it for unfair personal gain.

that’s literally cheating. ban them all.

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The players should receive a short-term ban in my opinion for intentionally griefing. They should also be stripped of their arena rating for the season. Players who spent years developing their skill in the game aren’t typically the ones exploiting bugs like this, because they don’t need to.

If there are players who are of high skill level that are exploiting a bug, it’s on them for taking that risk when there are explicit ToS guidelines outlining potential punishments for abuse/exploits of bugs in a competitive environment.